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June 7, 2024

Arpichaya Yubol

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Piano, here we are after a 10-under 61; bogey-free.


Q. What stands out to you the most about your round today?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: I feel like I just start to play golf, like happy golf like every hole. Because I feel like my confident is coming back from last week in the U.S. Women. It was the greatest week in my life and then it's make me more confident for this week.

I just go to play like happy golf every hole. I didn't focus like how much I can do, like how many under today. I just focus like every shot. Like more focus like every time, every shot.

I made it like so good. It's make me so happy.

Q. Is this the best round of golf you've ever felt good playing?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yes. This is the best one for me. I doing 10-under one time in my life, like in Thailand, but it's not a big tournament like this.

And it is my second time in my life. Actually I tried to go birdie on the last hole because I try to get the new record for me. Like I can do 11. But I missed the putt like a little bit.

But, yeah, on this day it's make me like confident a lot.

Q. You had a chip in on 18 for eagle there.

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Q. What was going right on that hole? What did you look at?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Actually on that hole I just talking with my caddie. He want me to play short and like landing to the hole and I think like I can land -- I can like land on the green and then the ball like can stop and then roll.

I just try to hit close and then make birdie, and the ball is in the hole and then I just, okay, today is looking good, so just with keep going and keep playing.

Yeah. (Smiling.)

Q. How long was the chip shot at 18?


Q. Yeah.

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: I'm not sure. Like I got 16 yard shot before the hole. Yeah, maybe around like 16, 17, yes.

Q. The iron shot on No. 6, what iron was that?


Q. Yeah, you knocked it to three feet. It's the hole that goes out toward the water.

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Oh, on that hole, the decision with my caddie we will play short because like my ball is not in the fairway and the downwind, so I hit 9, full swing, with 144 yard. Lucky shot.

Q. What changed for you last week? You seemed to be struggling a little bit going into last week and obviously played very well last week. What changed for you?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Just my thinking. It's change a lot, because last week my manager is coming and he have to talk with me like two or three hour every day, just clear my mind everything. When I think bad, he clear my mind, like more than good for me.

And he believe in me a lot and try to talk with me a lot like, I believe in you, so you should believe yourself, too. Then on this week -- last week I'm try to do like -- when I got the hard shot I talk with myself every shot. I can do, I can do, I can do, like every shot.

Yeah, the good thing is coming and I can do. It's good for me. This week I think the big change from from last week is because I finish fifth and I know I can achieve the cut for next year already, and it's make me this week like I do everything with happy golf.

Q. Were you feeling frustrated going into last week or doubting yourself a little bit because of how you had played before last week?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Before last week, right?

Q. Yeah, that you weren't playing that well. Were you feeling frustrated going into last week before your manager gave you the pep talk basically?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yeah, like my --

Q. Were you down in the dumps about the way you were playing?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yeah, you mean like before...

Q. Sad, disappointed with the way you were playing before last week?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yeah, I feel like I hit good, I feel like I can do, I can hit good. But I just play golf. I don't believe in myself and I'm happy like every shot.

My focus every shot is gone, but until last week I try to hit everything focus and hit happy shot and try to believe myself, and I can do better. Yeah, better now.

Q. When you're playing this well do you know where you are in it terms of I'm 6-under, 7-under? Are you conscious of that? Did you know about how low you were going?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Today, right?

Q. Yeah, today.

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: When I finished --

Q. Like did 59 creep into the mind?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yeah, I think a little bit, because like last two hole I do 10-under already, right? I think I can do more, like birdie, birdie.

But I doing good, so good, but I missed the putt like a little bit because the green this week is challenging for me a lot. Yeah. (Laughter.)

Q. Given how well you played last week, how excited were to you get here and get your game going again in this tournament?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: You mean like -- sorry?

Q. How excited were to you continue the good play that you've had?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: From a last week?

Q. From last week, yeah.

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: How excited? Yeah, I feel I'm still excited, like every week, but this week like my confident is coming back, so I just try to play the happy golf like every shot.

That make me, yeah make me come back.

Q. The definition on happy golf. What's happy golf do you?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Happy golf is like you have to do like focus the shot, and if you hit bad you have to do honest yourself. Like, okay you hit bad, and then you can do like more good and try to do like the positive golf every shot.

If you miss like a short putt, okay, it's just golf. You still have next hole and try to make more birdie to the next hole.

Q. Who is your manager? When did he give you that talk to believe in yourself?


Q. When did he give you the pep talk?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: How can I explain? Like he just talk with me like the same thing every time. Like I believe in you. You can do. I know you can do the winner one time because I see you play before and you doing so good.

So he just tell me -- he's always believe in me like a big belief for me, and then it's make me like always have someone believe for me and then you should like believe in yourself and do like the dream come true for yourself.

Q. The pep talk, did he say it before play at the U.S. Women's Open or did he say it during, after a round?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: He talk with me every time.

Q. So every time?


Q. It was a pep talk?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yeah, actually on this day before I go to play, yeah, I have to talk with him too. And after I play I have to call and talk with him too again.

Q. You talked about losing your card on your mind, correct? You talked about it a little bit.


Q. How much was it on your mind before the U.S. Women's Open?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Oh, my God. It's every time, yeah. I think every time. Like before the U.S. Women's I play so good, but my thinking is not good. I think like I cannot make the cut. I cannot make the cut this week. I cannot make the cut.

Until last week, he talk with me like, you don't have to think how much you make the cut. You just think like how much you made the Top 5, top 10, and then you make it. You don't have to think like how score to make the cut.

So you're doing good to make the cut so just believe yourself and keep going and doing.

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