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June 7, 2024

Arpichaya Yubol

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel


Q. What an amazing round of golf today. Let's talk about the chance to shoot 59. How nervous you were when you were thinking about the score out there today?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: I feel like today is really good for me. Like my confident is coming back from last week in the U.S. Women's. Actually my manager is coming last week for watching me.

We have to talk two, three hours every day because I miss cut like six event in a row. Like my self-confident is gone. Yeah, I just talk with him and then he make me like more confident.

And doing good last week, it's make me happy until this week. Yeah, my self-confidence coming back and doing so well.

I feel like my happy golf is coming back already.

Q. No doubt. With the way you played today that was happy golf. Were you thinking about 59 today? Was that in your head during the round?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yeah, I just thinking a little bit when I hit like 10-under already. And then course is par 71, right? And it's last two hole I think, yeah, I can do birdie like every hole. Maybe I can do, but golf is golf, so just the last hole just missed the putt a little bit.

But it's make me happy a lot on this day, yeah.

Q. We know that's the lowest round you've had on the LPGA Tour. Is that the lowest round you've every shot, 61?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Yes, in the LPGA, yes.

Q. Outside of the LPGA have you ever shot anything as good as you did today?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: No. I think this one is -- second time for me I do like 10-under. It's not the lowest for me. I tried to make the last hole birdie a lot because I need to make 11 like new record for me.

I miss the putt but it's good for me.

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