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June 7, 2024

Stephanie Kyriacou

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Steph Kyriacou after a nice 6-under today. Just overall, what was it like out there on the first day of the ShopRite LPGA Classic?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: It was pretty good. It was hot out there. Couple bugs out. Other than that it was a pretty nice day: Sunny, no wind. Optimal conditions for the morning.

Yeah, think I really just took advantage of that.

Q. What was it like to take advantage when the wind kicks up in the afternoon? What does that do for a three day tournament opposed to a four day?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, gives that you head start that you need. When the draw switches tomorrow those morning players are going to try and take advantage of that.

To be able to do that and get it done is good momentum.

Q. Coming into your back nine which was the front nine, nice swing of birdies there right off the turn. Walk me through what was working well for you.

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Honestly, I just holed a lot of putts. Just holed like a lot of 10- and 15-footers that sometimes don't always go in.

So it's always nice.

Yeah, I think my group on the back nine was playing really well. We had lots of birdies on the same hole. That was kind of encouraging too.

Q. Are you one of those players that focuses on your own game or does it help when the players beside you are on a birdiefest, too?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I focus on my own game. I don't know. I never really thought of that. I think I just focus on my own game. It's always nice when you've got a little bit of a challenge or competition within the group.

Q. Coming off the U.S. Women's Open and in general, saw you there following Minjee on the final day. Overall what do you take from your game and also the state of Australian golf going into the summer swing?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, being able to watch Minjee, she's been a top player for who knows how long now. Yeah, it's nice having close mates that are good players because you can kind of pick their brain and ask them stuff after the tournament.

I don't think Sunday was a good day to ask Minjee some questions. Yeah, it's just nice to be able to talk to them and like figure out where I can get better.

Q. For you, what do you take from the last couple weeks going into this summer swing in your own game?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I think I just need to kind of get a bit external with my golf game. I think sometimes I get a bit caught up in my swing and trying to like hit a good shot instead of just whacking the ball and getting it to the target kind of thing.

So that's what I did today; somehow worked. So that will be the plan going forward.

Q. When you notice that maybe you're getting too hung up on the swing, what do you do practicing or preparing for a tournament to make sure you're not overthinking what you're doing?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I think on the range I just hit some shots that I would probably never hit on the course just to get a feel and like gauge how much -- change the variables.

Usually my caddie, Wade, says hit a low hook 5-iron and I just do it to get more into the shot itself, not the technique on how to do it.

Q. Talking about your swing in general, how do you capitalize on the round that you had today to continue moving up the leaderboard?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I think I'm just going to go work a bit on chipping and then keep rolling the putts in.

I mean, putted pretty good today. Yeah, just take advantage of all the wedges and around-the-green shots and should be good.

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