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June 7, 2024

Azahara Munoz

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. Aza, first want to ask how many times you think you've been here to Seaview?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: Is this a test?

Q. It's not. I want to know how comfortable do you feel?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: I want to say I been here at least 11 or 12. I've actually missed few because I've always had -- this week has been a sponsor thing for me a few times. But I've been here plenty of times, yeah.

Q. Yeah. To be able to come and shoot a round like I did today is on a course that makes you feel the most comfortable, how are you feeling after day one here at the ShopRite?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: Feeling pretty good. I played solid. I hit a lot of fairways and greens. Didn't get myself in trouble.

Yeah, really good to see myself hitting some really nice shots. I hit quite a few like quite tight, like 0ne-, two-footers, so that was really nice to see.

Q. What was some of those holes where you just felt the proximity was just on your A-game today?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: Yeah, for example on No. 5, which was my 14th, I hit it to a foot. That was great.

No. 18, which was my 9th, I hit it to a foot. That was just a chip. Still nice to have those birdies that you don't to have read the putt.

And then one more -- couple more to like three, four feet so that was really nice.

Q. I like talking about the 17th and 18th hole here at Seaview because I find it really interesting for those to be the closing holes here. As someone who has played this course a couple times, what do you think of these closing holes? I know it wasn't your closing hole today, but just in general to be able to end on a par-5 that's reachable?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: Yeah, it's awesome. 17 is such a little shot and when it gets windy it's actually -- I love those short par-3s. It's really fun.

On that one I hit a really good one today to like three feet.Really nice and fun to know so much can happen at the end of the round. Obviously there are birdie holes. You can even eagle 18 and also make a par.

There is a lot of playing game there.

Q. For you coming back here, it's a very comfortable tournament for a lot of our players here. How have you been looking at a week like this, especially with the summer stretch upon us that's going to be a week in and week out drive?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: Yeah, exactly that. It's a tournament. It's nice it's three days. Sometimes it's easier to take it easy at the beginning of the week, especially for me with the little one. Sometimes it's nice to have that one extra day to do things and don't feel like I have to practice a lot and then run to my little one.

So it's great. It's the first week of four in a row for me. I haven't done four in a long time, but I'm excited. It's been a good start, so I'm excited to get it going.

Q. Four in our row: This week, Meijer, KPMG, and Dow?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: And Dow, yeah.

Q. Who is your partner for Dow?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: Ana, Ana Palaez. She's a rookie from Spain. It will be fun. Yeah, I'm excited.

Q. Nice. All the Spanish flair. We're coming up on the Olympics, end of the qualifications, and your name is right up there. As you keep going through this competition and the grind you usually have, do you have that moment, that kind of in your mind of after KPMG this could become a reality?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: Yeah, I think I'm pretty locked in so I almost -- maybe I don't want to sound cocky, but I don't think I have to try super hard. Obviously I have to play good golf and it's always there. I just don't want to think about it too much.

I know if I play well, which I need to start playing better, that will take care of itself. It's really exciting. Hopefully be my third Games and probably my last. My husband is going to be caddieing for me if we make it, so that will be fun.

Q. How do you take what you did today going into tomorrow as you try to move up the leaderboard?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: Just it's been a struggle lately, so it's been nice to have a good round today. Just kind of keep doing what I've been doing. I was quite calm today. Stayed pretty present, which has been a struggle lately. Like I tend to get a bit anxious and ahead of myself.

Hopefully just the same. Just one shot at a time. Sounds cliche, but I really need to do it.

Q. Did you change anything going into this week?

AZAHARA MUNOZ: A little bit, yeah. I mean, who knows if it works, but I definitely looked a lot how my mental game has been and it's been pretty not great.

So I knew I had to do something about that and just be more calm and present. That's what I've been trying to do today.

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