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June 7, 2024

Robyn Choi

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Robyn, a nice way to start off today, 5-under. Just take me through what was working well in this first round.

ROBYN CHOI: I think a lot of things were going well today. I was hitting a lot of shots close, which gave me a lot of birdie opportunities. And I think I didn't take all the opportunities, but I took most of them.

I think that got me a lot of birdies, and I think I had a big advantage of playing in the morning with the greens nice and pure. So I think that's (indiscernible.)

Q. We're getting into the summer stretch now. To be able to take advantage of a day like this in the morning like you said, how much does that help knowing there is only 54 holes instead of 72?

ROBYN CHOI: Yeah, I think especially in a 54-hole tournament, I think playing the first round is quite important since they know after they make the cut, you only have one day to kind of climb up the leaderboard.

So I think that's kind of huge right now for me. Kind of glad I did it. So I kind of missed few cuts the last few weeks and it's a bit of a struggle, but to come back and shoot 5-under today is exciting.

Q. To be able to close the way you did on 17 and 18, walk me through what it's like to close like that.

ROBYN CHOI: I mean, now I think about it, I did make birdie, birdie, but I wasn't really thinking about it at the time.

I hit a pretty good shot close on 17; maybe three, four feet. Easy birdie for me.

Then the last hole I hit a good 3-wood into the green just a little short and made a little putt up the hill and then gave myself another two-, three-foot putt for birdie.

It was pretty easy thankfully.

Q. I followed your group today and walked with your mom several holes. She says hi. You made a great recovery on 12 to make birdie from the back fringe.

ROBYN CHOI: Oh, yes.

Q. What was going through your head there?

ROBYN CHOI: Well, I had about I think I had 100 meters in to the pin, and we weren't quite sure if the green was going to be receptive or if it was going to bounce.

I decided to play about 95, but I think I kind of got it too well and took a little bit of the wind and landed pin high and kind of bounced over back to the fringe.

Then I was kind of deciding whether I should putt this or if I should chip it, and just because I had a lot of grass in between me and the green, I just decided to go kind of like a low 58, kind of roll it down there, and surprisingly it went in. It was a big one for me for that hole, yeah. Kind of got me into a momentum.

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