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June 7, 2024

Kaitlyn Papp Budde

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Quick Quotes

Q. Well, Kaitlyn, I would love to talk to you about your front nine, the electric 29 you had here. What was it like getting off to such a hot start? What is it about that back nine, your front nine, that seemed so scorable?

KAITLYN PAPP BUDDE: Yeah, I didn't realize it was a 29 until just now. I didn't know it was a par-34 on that side.

I was hitting the ball pretty well and made some putts and hit a few really close.

Nice to get off to a hot start and kind of propel my round.

Q. What did you like best about these back nine holes, your front nine today?

KAITLYN PAPP BUDDE: I'm not. I feel like it's a good mix of shots. Some par-4s are a little bit longer and others are short and I have to hit maybe less than driver off the tee.

Par-3s, I think two are a little bit longer and one is kind of short.

So it's kind of tests your whole bag.

Q. We witnessed a lot of magic on 18 over the last couple years here. What is it about 18 and having this moment here on the par-5?

KAITLYN PAPP BUDDE: I feel like it's fun to have a par-5 on the 18th hole. I think it adds excitement for the players and the fans.

If you hit it in the fairway you have a really good chance to get on the green in two. That's pretty much my focus on this hole.

Q. I know the wind picked up a little bit in your back nine. What it like to still imagine the start that you had? How much confidence does that give going into an event where usually you would be relying on four days of play?

KAITLYN PAPP BUDDE: It felt really good. I've been trying to get off to better starts than have. I haven't got off to the best of starts this year, so that was kind of my goal. Be calm and do my best out there and stick to my process.

It was pretty rewarding.

Q. Only your fourth event this season on the LPGA Tour. Coming off the U.S. Women's Open, what was it like being there in Lancaster for you? What did you take away from your game heading into the summer stretch?

KAITLYN PAPP BUDDE: I feel like the last few months I've been playing pretty good golf. Even last week, even though my score wasn't great, still feel like there was a lot positives within my game. I just had to ignore the score after the two days and just remind myself that I am doing a lot of the things well.

So that gave me some confidence coming here.

Q. What are some of the things that you think you do the best on the course like this?

KAITLYN PAPP BUDDE: I don't know. I think I'm pretty good with my wedges. I know like with the poa greens it's sometimes a little bit tricky to chip into, so just try to make sure I got the putter in my hand as much as I can.

Q. Tomorrow afternoon tee time. What will you be focused on?

KAITLYN PAPP BUDDE: Probably just trying to carry the same momentum into tomorrow. Stick to my game plan and process and keep my head down and do the best I can.

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