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June 6, 2024

Corey Conners

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Quick Quotes

Q. 4-under, how would you assess your opening round?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it was a good day. I don't have the greatest track record here, but really love the golf course and felt like I did a lot of things really well. Felt good about things coming into the week and nice to get off to a good start. Made some nice up-and-downs to keep momentum going throughout the round and I think that was definitely a key today. Yeah, I made a lot of nice putts.

Q. Had a nice final round at the Canadian Open, kind of kept it going today. Where are you feeling is the most comfortable part of your game?

COREY CONNERS: Really everything. I do feel great with the putter. Putting was great through the Canadian Open last week. Yeah, feel like I'm in a similar spot still and it feels good. I have lots of conditions and feel like I'm going to roll 'em in. Kind of frees up the rest of the game as well. Striking it pretty solidly.

Q. Coming off your National Open, how tired are you?

COREY CONNERS: It's a long week in Canada, but there's definitely a lot of adrenaline and a lot of great fans that supported the RBC Canadian Open and cheer on the Canadian players, yeah, I took it a little bit easier than normal the last few days here in prep, but played the course a lot and have a great plan and looking forward to keeping it going.

Q. With a busy stretch like this what is the prep going into it like you said, taking some time off and leading into today?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, just I had a rest day and just played nine holes Tuesday and Wednesday. A little bit of practice. Try and take care of the body. Get as much sleep as possible as well. It's worked out well so far and I'm feeling good.

Q. After the overnight rains did the course play any differently than you were expecting coming into early in the week?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it was surprisingly firm yesterday afternoon in the pro-am. I think the rain softened up the course a little bit. Ball was still definitely releasing and bouncing on the greens, but feel like the fairways were pretty soft -- and weren't getting a ton of roll there -- but the course is in great shape and expecting it to get pretty fiery over the weekend.

Q. How much are the Olympics on your mind over these next couple weeks?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it's obviously a huge goal and just trying to have fun on the golf course, do my thing and play well, just stick to the game plan, but it's definitely something I have been working hard for and hopefully can keep playing well and keep having fun out there.

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