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June 5, 2024

Alexandra Forsterling

Galloway, New Jersey, USA

Seaview, A Dolce Hotel

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, joined here in the media center at the ShopRite LPGA Classic Alexandra Forsterling. Just to open things up, I'll start. This is your fifth start on the LPGA Tour this year, your rookie year. How have things been going for you? Just a little check-in to see how it's going halfway through your rookie year.

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, it's been really nice. I'm really enjoying it. Obviously I only played in Europe last year and it's definitely different. But it's so much fun, yeah, meeting new people and just the crowds that come out to the tournaments and just overall the tournaments that I played were great.

So yeah, really good.

Q. What do you think you learned most since starting here on the LPGA Tour this year?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I feel like there are so many things that I learned. I would say really take it easy because season is long. Yeah, just really trying to get -- create my own routine, also flying from overseas, just really trying to take it easy at some point if I'm overwhelmed or anything.

Yeah, really have fun.

Q. And then kind of off the LPGA, you've had a really good year on the LET winning twice. Talk about those wins and what they've done for your confidence this year.

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, definitely a huge confidence boost. I was able to win twice last year on the LET and then twice again this year already. Even after last year I was super overwhelmed and couldn't quite believe it.

Then I mean, I did it again so early in the season. I mean, it just feels great. And especially the win in Florida where also a lot of the LPGA girls played, it really just showed me that I can compete at the highest level and that I'm good enough. And, yeah.

Q. We were just talking a little bit about you played the U.S. Women's Open last week with amazing crowds. How are you feeling heading into this week, a 54-hole event this week? Just seeing the conditions and stuff last week seemed pretty straining at points.

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, it was definitely an exhausting week last week, but so much fun. I've only played the U.S. Open as an amateur before and now it was the first time as a professional.

I mean, it was, yeah, just really great tournament. The crowds were amazing. So many people came out which is obviously really cool for us to see. And I actually played really well. Here and there made some mistakes, but I think that also just gives me a little bit of confident boost for this week.

Q. And talking about this week, this is your first time at the event, I believe.


Q. What have you noticed about the course, the conditions, and maybe this tournament has a long history here and with the community? Talk about that, what you've seen with course and community this week.

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, I think it's really, really great place. I've heard that the tournament has been here since so long, and I also really enjoy three-day events actually because there is also a couple on the LET.

But, yeah, I'm just really excited to be here. I think the views on the course are great with the water in the background and stuff.

I've actually only played nine holes so far so I'm going to play the other nine tomorrow. So far I'm really liking the course, yeah.

Q. Looks like you're enjoying Atlantic City. I just look at your rookie year as an LPGA Tour member, and even with all the success on the LET, it's been wild. You played really, really solid. What's cooler is you have a chance to qualify for both the Olympics and your first Solheim Cup team. If you had told yourself a couple years ago that was a possibility to do both of those things in your first year as an LPGA Tour member, would you have believed that?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: No. Honestly, no. Like even like I said, even last year after I won twice I was like, no way.

And, yeah, I mean, playing the Olympics would -- or the Solheim Cup is a huge dream of mine. Playing in that would be insane. Yeah, I think so.

But I'm not going to pressure myself. Just see how it goes and how I play during the season, and yeah, just go from there.

Q. Obviously you get to represent your country every week on the LPGA Tour, every week on the Ladies European Tour. Maybe at the Olympics more specifically, what would that mean? I know the qualification period is quickly approaching and you're pretty safe right now. What would it mean to be able to show up for your country on that national stage?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I mean, it would mean a lot for sure. I've been part of the National Team for I don't know how many years, probably over ten years now.

Yeah, just I love the team. I love playing a for Germany, and just being part of the Olympics for Germany would even be nicer. You know, I know that the support around us would be so big and everybody would be cheering us on.

So I think that would be really, really great.

Q. Have you picked the brains of either your fellow Germans or Europeans about qualifying for either of those really cool events?


Q. Have you talked to any fellow Germans about maybe qualifying for the Olympics, fellow Europeans about qualifying for Solheim Cup? Anybody said anything to you?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: There is a bunch of people that have been asking me about it. Yeah, I've just always been answering, yeah, let's wait and see, let's wait and see.

Obviously everybody -- I mean, I don't know if there is anybody that wouldn't want to play it, so I think for anybody would be super nice, yeah.

Q. I know we're familiar with you on the LPGA, but just as your star has continued to rise, what would you want fans to know about you as you're making a name out here on the LPGA Tour?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: That's a tough question. I would say overall I'm really easygoing. Just always try to have a fun time at every single event, try to explore some of the new places we go to.

And obviously I want to win. I want to win every single week. That's my goal for every week. But, yeah, I'm just I would say really easygoing, fun person, and, I mean, I try to soak it in every single week.

Learn from it and learn from my mistakes or analyze what I did good, yeah.

Q. We had Karrie Web in here earlier today and she was talking about returning here. She was also talking about how she's mentored a lot of her fellow Australians, Hannah Green & Company. You being a rookie on the LPGA Tour, are there players that you're -- like are you talking to Sandra Gal? Are you fellow Sun Devil alum, Anna Nordqvist? Who are the players you're looking up to in your rookie season out here?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, I would say -- actually had dinner with Sandra yesterday, and we also talked about, yeah, couple different topics. I'm staying with Isi Gabsa this week, also been on tour for quite sometime.

But I've also talked to Carlota a lot. Stayed with her one time this year. Yeah, I'm definitely trying to ask a lot of questions, learn from them, just hear about their experiences. Also if we go to a new event and I've never been there, then I would for sure always ask them if they have anything to recommend or just an idea what I could be mindful of or just anything, yeah.

Q. You played nine holes this morning. First time in Atlantic City. What did you think of the course and have you seen Atlantic City yet?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I really, really like the course actually. I think it sets up really good for how I play. It feels a little bit European I would say, so that's nice. I mean, yeah, I've seen a little bit. We're staying in Atlantic City so we've seen a little bit.

I'm really actually enjoying the water views. Yeah, that's been great.

Q. Have you got a chance to do anything fun in Atlantic City yet?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: We're staying next to outlets so we've gone shopping once. But not yet. I think we want to go check out the casino.

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