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June 2, 2024

Austin Cindric

Madison, Illinois

Frontstretch Quotes

An Interview with:

Q. Austin Cindric, what a turn of events. You have to have yourself in position to capitalize on moments like that. That's exactly what you did. What is going through your mind right now to end this winless streak?

AUSTIN CINDRIC: Yeah, honestly I'm heartbroken for the 12 team. I don't know what happened to them at the end of the race. They deserved to win this race. Ryan has been a hell of a leader on this team.

This weekend was a great weekend for everybody involved. But, yeah, to have two cars in the fight, eventual 1-2. Heartbroken for those guys. This is huge for me. This is huge for this team. I'm so glad I was able to get a win with Brian as my crew chief in the Cup Series. You never know when it's going to happen again. Just drove by butt off, hope for the best.

Q. You live racing. You work harder than most drivers. It's been a struggle for you, for this team this year. What does a win like this do for your team and Team Penske?

AUSTIN CINDRIC: It's everything. It's absolutely everything. The funniest thing about it is, this Freightliner Ford Mustang is one of the best-looking cars on the racetrack. I have had terrible races every single time with this car. Great to win with a great paint scheme. Great to win in front of this amazing crowd.

Glad to bring it home for these guys, they deserve it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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