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June 2, 2024

Ryan Blaney

Madison, Illinois

Pit Lane Interview

Q. Ryan Blaney, appeared you had everything like you wanted it at the end of the race. Any thought you were going to get low on fuel?

RYAN BLANEY: No, I didn't think so. So, yeah, never thought in my mind we were short. One of those things. Gosh, proud of the 12 boys. We were fast. Had my work cut out for me holding out of Christopher. That was a fun battle. I don't know what happened to him.

Yeah, one lap short, which just stinks. Congrats to the 2 team. They did a good job all day. Props to them. Austin. Proud for Team Penske and Ford.

Really happy with our showing today. I don't know what I got to do to get some luck on our side. Gosh, wrecked the last two points races. Thought we had a great shot to win today. Ended up bad.

Just appreciate the effort. Got to keep sticking with it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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