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June 2, 2024

Hannah Green

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Now that the tournament has come to an end, can you describe your thoughts about the overall course and your experience this week?

HANNAH GREEN: I learned Mel Reid's saying, beauty and the beast. It definitely feels that way. Today it was a beauty because I obviously had a good round, but it felt like on the first round it played very different today. It's very easy to make bogeys and there are definitely a lot of birdie opportunities, but you still have to give yourself those opportunities.

It's going to be interesting to see how everyone goes this afternoon. We were playing in a different wind direction today, so that will kind of change things up how we've been playing it the last few days. But it's a really packed leaderboard, so I'm excited to watch it myself.

Q. Coming in with an amazing score at 4-under today, did you do anything special to prepare for the final round?

HANNAH GREEN: No, not really. I felt like because I had an earlier tee time today, the greens were a little bit more receptive so I could actually be a little bit more aggressive with some shots in. Played well on the front nine, and I holed a nice putt on the 9th hole, so that was probably my longest putt of the week. I knew the back nine was always going to be tough, so it was just grinding it out there and trying to make pars.

Was fortunate that 16 was moved up, so I made a birdie there, and then made a really nice shot into 17, and I finally parred 18.

Q. Speaking of birdies, six birdies on your card. What do you feel was really working well for you today that allowed you to score like that?

HANNAH GREEN: I feel like I gave myself better putts for birdie today, a lot more uphill putts, which was nice. I felt like the first few rounds I had a lot of double breakers off putts that had a couple feet of break, so you can't be aggressive with those because your eye is just not used to seeing that.

I think the game plan was pretty much the same the entire week, it was just the execution different today.

Q. Describe a bit more about what you were thinking heading into the final three holes.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, so I knew 16 was going to be forward and that was going to be drivable. If you hit it in the right spot you can still make birdie, but obviously it can still be a tough par. But the wind was kind of swirling so I decided to hit my 3-wood and I hit it just off the green and and chipped it up nice and close.

17 I was very aggressive, went straight at the pin. It wasn't exactly where I wanted to hit, but it actually came back towards the hole with the slope, so that's actually going to be a really tough hole to even make par. So I think I snagged a couple shots there on 17. Then I hit the fairway on 18 and had a nice two-putt par on 18.

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