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June 2, 2024

Charley Hull

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Welcome back to the interview area. We're here with Charley Hull. You finished your championship with a 3-under 67. Can you talk us through the round out there today?

CHARLEY HULL: I played pretty solid all week, but today I felt like I holed a few more putts but I actually missed quite a few putts, as well. Like the birdie on the last hole, which is a bit annoying.

I found the greens quite frustrating all week, but I feel like these were very, very tricky greens, and I'm kind of happy though with the way I'm hitting it. Just this golf course can really get under your skin if you're not holing a lot of putts.

Q. You came up short of your likely ultimate goal, but what are you going to take from the championship this week?

CHARLEY HULL: A lot of positives. Now I realize how fast these greens are. I want to be practicing on faster greens. Unfortunately in England our greens are like eight on the stimp so it is quite hard. These slopes are crazy. I just feel like I'm hitting it pretty well and feel like I'm in a good place. Good round today under my belt, and I'm looking forward to the KPMG in a few weeks' time.

Q. You've gotten a lot of attention both on and off the golf course this week. What's that been like for you?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it's actually quite funny. I don't know, all over a cigarette, I suppose. But I genuinely was walking to the range, had my hands full, someone asked me for an autograph, I'm not going to say no because I always like signing autographs. Had a cigarette in my mouth, signed it, and then it's gone viral.

I don't know. It's just one of them things. But it's been crazy. Like the fans have been shouting my name this week. Someone said I've dropped something and then handed their phone number on a piece of paper in my hand. He was like, here's my number. Text me so we can figure out where I'm taking you out for dinner tonight. I never texted him obviously, but it was just so funny.

But no, it's been a bit of a wild week. Pretty cool, and I wish the crowds were like this more often.

Q. A lot of people have been likening you to the female John Daly for the authenticity that you display. Is that something that you enjoy?

CHARLEY HULL: I find it quite funny, because I actually do go to the gym and I'm a very healthy person. I only smoke. I hardly drink. I don't need to drink because actually I can have a fun time without it.

Yeah, listen, my dad smokes 40 a day since he was 12 years old and now he's 75, and my nephew smokes who is like 25. My whole family smokes, so it's not something that I've noticed being odd.

I hate smoking. I used to curse at my dad when I was younger for smoking, but I think it's to do a little bit when I'm stressed. I was a bit stressed last year ans I just kind of vaped, and I wanted to stop vaping, and even though smoking is not better than vaping, it's just you can vape indoors all the time. I thought if I smoke, I'm going to go outside and smoke a cigarette. When it's a slow round on the golf course I smoke quite a few more than I should.

But listen, I will stop soon. It's just when.

Q. Mel Reid told a funny story about you on Live From the other night. I was wondering if you saw the video and what you thought about that?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it was so funny. She's got so many stories on me, even more funny ones than, but I don't know if we can tell them to the camera.

But honestly I love Mel. She's such a funny person, and she's probably my favorite person to be paired in the Solheim Cup with, like on the team. She had me pretty much -- her story was pretty much accurate like to how I am, taming a wild animal she's described me as.

Q. It seems like people are just kind of enthralled with you as a personality on and off the golf course. Do you want to open up more a little bit to your fans and start letting people in to who you are as a person?

CHARLEY HULL: Literally all my friends always say I should have a TV show with what goes on in my life. If you think I've got a lot of personality on the golf course, you should see what my life is like at home.

But yeah, it is quite funny. I'm just me. You don't know what's coming out of my mouth next. I don't know what's coming out of my mouth next. It's one of them things. I'm just me. I'm not going to change for the world. I'll just be me, and people will either like it or lump it.

Q. Have you kept track of how many followers you've gained on social media this week?

CHARLEY HULL: At the minute I'm not actually on my Instagram. I put it on my agent's phone. I gave it to her like four weeks ago. I said, listen, I'll text you some videos, I'll text you some photos. Just post for me.

Because sometimes -- I've gotten a very addictive personality and I get addicted to Instagram not even posting, but just scrolling down and looking at random memes and stuff.

So the last few weeks I've just been letting her post, but she did tell me I gained like 72 or 70,000 followers in the space of like two days. I was like, wow. That's pretty crazy.

Q. People can ask about who you are and they would remember early days with the Solheim Cup, a very aggressive player, Pebble last year. Did you get more attention for one cigarette this week?

CHARLEY HULL: I think I did, you know. I really think I did. It was pretty crazy ^ Check. Just one cigarette, it lit up. (Laughter.)

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