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June 2, 2024

Megan Schofill

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Megan, maybe talk about the experience overall this week. Obviously coming from school and then to here probably whirlwind, but obviously good showing.

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Yeah, I really didn't know what to expect with the golf course. I knew it would have thick rough, fast greens, but this golf course just really tested every part of my game, from tee ball to short putts to chipping.

There was no part of it that was not tested, and I think it really taught me a lot of what I need to work on, what I'm doing well, and just really how to stay patient and focus and be okay with having a bogey.

Q. You obviously spoke on your thoughts but talk about overall takeaways and the next steps for you.

MEGAN SCHOFILL: For me, I feel like it really taught me a lot. I felt like the first two days I putted really well, and then this weekend I definitely missed a few short putts I felt like I made the first two rounds.

Feel like I need to get a little bit more consistent with the putter as a whole. I think it just really allowed for me to have a little bit more confidence and play a little bit more free. Just knowing that I can compete with the best professional golfers.

But my plan is to stay an amateur for the rest of the summer, and turn pro sometime in the fall.

Q. Can you maybe talk about your experience as an American here and the crowd support you've got this week.

MEGAN SCHOFILL: Yeah, definitely. The crowds here have been amazing. There has been a lot of support towards me, even though I've kind of fallen down towards the back. They still had a lot of people watching and rooting for me.

CJ and I were talking about it. I've never heard so many War Eagles in my life, and I don't know if they're Auburn people or just doing it because they wanted to support me.

The crowds were great here. Everyone just really excited to be able to watch women's golf. I think just really excited to see us play and that's just all you want for the game.

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