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June 2, 2024

Catherine Park

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You're going to share low am with three others; just talk to me about what that means to you after a long grueling week here at Lancaster.

CATHERINE PARK: It means a lot, especially this is my second U.S. Open and the first time making the cut, so it's a good memory to go for me.

Today was a bit rough, but it's the U.S. Open, it's going to get you. It's just something you've got to fight through. It was a great experience, so nothing I'll ever trade for.

The other two girls are amazing, also, so it's great to be titled with them as low amateur for this event.

Q. Did you know where you were? Were you looking at leaderboards to see where you stood in that race coming down the stretch?

CATHERINE PARK: Not really. My coach was just giving me an update. Other than that, it's just play.

Q. What's the rest of the summer like for you? How do you kind of take this momentum that you've built and keep it going?

CATHERINE PARK: Well, my next event is Palmer Cup, and after that I have Women's Am and hopefully Curtis Cup. So it's a very relaxing summer and not too much tournaments. Very fun events. Just prepping up and getting ready for that.

Q. What's the biggest thing you learned about yourself this week?

CATHERINE PARK: Well, mostly just it's so tough out here. It's different than any amateur golf or college golf. It is a U.S. Open. Even though I'm an amateur, the support is amazing. So much cheering out here. You can see that this is what you're going to work hard for.

Some of the things that are the difference to me, just the chipping, all the different shots, so hopefully I can work on that this summer and get better, come back next year.

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