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June 2, 2024

Ally Ewing

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Welcome back to the interview area. We're here with Ally Ewing. You just shot a bogey-free 66. Can you talk us through that round.

ALLY EWING: Yeah, it was a really solid start. I had really good looks on 2, 3, 4; didn't convert them but burned the edges. I mean, the key for me this week was just to continue to try to hit good shots, give myself opportunities.

You have putts out here that are 10-footers that on a normal golf course you would think, oh, it's a good look for birdie, but some 10-footers out here you're just trying to get the ball in the hole for par.

It was a solid game plan and really good execution today.

Q. Ultimately you fell short of probably your final goal, but what are you going to take away from this week as a whole?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, I think it will end up being my best finish in a major, for sure best finish at a U.S. Open. Assuming it holds up as it is.

I think for any golfer, we want to peak around major championships. Starting the week with a 4-over and then just gradually playing the golf course better and better, executing more shots, it's just a really good feeling.

This was where I made my first professional U.S. Open start, so really good memories for Lancaster now.

Q. How about the crowds this week? How cool was it to see all the fans out there in support?

ALLY EWING: Yeah, it was great. I definitely remember that from 2015. That week was really a blur because I got in on Tuesday night and I got here Wednesday, and I only got nine holes in.

I really remembered the crowd support and the Lancaster area. It's always exciting when you get to a good venue that's a really good challenge but then also you have a lot of spectators and fans that show up for it, so that's great.

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