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June 2, 2024

Hinako Shibuno

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Welcome back to the interview area. We're here with Hinako Shibuno. Can you talk us through your round today.

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I have been very nervous all the way through. I was not able to make as many birdies, and I had three-putts in some places, and even I didn't make the shorter putts. I feel like there are some places that are a little bit regrettable, but still, I think I finished strong.

Q. Ultimately you fell just a little bit short of your final goal, but what will be your takeaways from this week?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I was not that great this season, but in spite of that, I was in a very great position. Sometimes I wonder why I was doing so good here. However, toward the end I wanted to win, too, so this was a great lesson that there is a possibility that I do much better, do well.

Q. It looks like you're going to finish in solo second place, over a million dollars. What are you going to buy?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I will ask Yuka to buy me something.

Q. How about the crowds this week? How cool is it to have all the fans out there, the big crowds and the support?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Not only the Japanese fans, but some of the local fans really said Shibuno, Shibuno, so I thought I got a little bit known here, and it was really happy for me to know that.

Q. Japan had such a great showing this week. How cool was it for you to be a part of Japanese success in golf and how cool was it to watch Yuka win a major, just like you have?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I mentioned this yesterday, that the Japanese players did very well. I think part of the reason is they hit it very straight, and despite that this course is difficult. There's a lot of ups and downs and it's slopey. However, the greens here are similar, somewhat similar, to greens in Japan. Maybe that's why they did very well.

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