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June 2, 2024

Minjee Lee

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Just overall, what do you take away from this week moving forward?

MINJEE LEE: I think I did a lot of good things but obviously didn't play very well today and I'm disappointed that I didn't do better.

Yeah, I feel like -- obviously I'm going to acknowledge my disappointment and then come back stronger, take the positives out of the week, you know. It's a lot of pressure on the last day, so wasn't my best performance but I'm sure there will be many better performances ahead.

Q. Today in particular walk me through the round.

MINJEE LEE: I mean, I started good. Felt like I hit it pretty good; just missed a couple putts for birdie early and then I kind of blew up from there.


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