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June 2, 2024

Victor Perez

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Your thoughts on the day?

VICTOR PEREZ: Obviously very pleased. I think if somebody would have told me 64 at the start of the day I would have taken it, for sure. It's going to come up just short, it seems like, but very pleased. A lot of good points for me moving forward.

Q. What did you learn about your self this week in your best finish so far on TOUR?

VICTOR PEREZ: Yeah, obviously I've played here and I've had some results at the time, but never as a full-time member. It definitely has a different feel when you kind of pop in and out, whereas playing through the regular season is a different feel. Obviously very happy and a lot of positive with the two 64s on the weekend.

Q. What did you learn about your game this weekend and how do you feel going forward into the next stage of the season?

VICTOR PEREZ: I think I've played decent kind of at the start of the year, just haven't been able to put a big result and something to really strive on for the rest of the year. I think I putted exceptional this week, which has been always a strength of mine, it's something that I haven't really been able to do at a high level. I think that showed this week and the result came with it.

Q. What are some things that you think you can take and build upon for the rest of the year from this week?

VICTOR PEREZ: I think when you have a good result like that you don't need to essentially think you found a solution and get ahead of yourself, I think you just try to keep doing what you're doing, regardless of whether I had a good result or a poor result and you kind of keep moving on forward with that.

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