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June 2, 2024

Corey Conners

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Congrats on a really solid round. You're currently in contention to be the low Canadian and be the Rivermead Cup winner. What's that mean to you?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it's a huge honor. I guess it's a nice consolation prize. Pretty special winning that a few years ago. Yeah, definitely something to be proud of. Yeah, obviously disappointing to not win the big trophy, but, yeah, it's a cool honor.

Q. You had a really nice moment there on 18 where you took the pin out and waved the Canadian flag for the crowd. What was the reaction like from your perspective and how did it feel to have a big response from the fans?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, well the Canadian fans, they come out in full support year after year and it's an incredible feeling being out there, getting cheered on by, yeah, all the fans. Yeah, it was special out there. I definitely he felt the love. I thought it was pretty cool, proud Canadian and just to wave the Canadian flag one more time.

Q. Both you and Mac were in contention to win it this year, still might be, depending upon how things pan out. How does it feel to have back-to-back years where Canadians are right in the mix to the very end to win the national championship?

COREY CONNERS: I feel like there's always somebody who is right there with an outside chance or a good chance. It just goes to show how strong Canadian golf is. I think you see that week in and week out on the PGA TOUR and other big events.

Q. Wondering, this is going to be your first top 10 of the season, wondering what you think this is going to do leading into other big events coming up here?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it's a big stretch coming up here. I wanted to get myself in the mix this week. Definitely felt like my game was trending quite positively the last few weeks that I played. I like where things are at, and I'm continuing to feel better and better about things. Definitely take lots of confidence from this week.

Q. Just playing so well in such a huge tournament for all you guys and crazy atmosphere. Does that give you confidence, aside from your ball striking, to just know you can handle that?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, I felt like I holed some really good putts today and definitely felt some nerves out there, but honestly playing in front of this crowd is incredible and really motivates you to settle in and hit a good shot. Yeah, definitely lots of confidence to be taken.

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