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June 1, 2024

Ruoning Yin

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you talk about just how it went. You birdied the second hole and really steady after that.

RUONING YIN: Yeah, I mean, today is a pretty solid round. Birdied No. 2, then had a couple of birdie chances after 2, but just couldn't really catch it. But after all, I'm happy with my iron game and just need my putts to drop.

Q. Is there anything that you'll do to try to feel like you can shoot another low one tomorrow to give yourself a chance or move up even more?

RUONING YIN: Yeah, today it's not that windy. The weather is getting hot, which means the greens are getting softer compared to yesterday. I think that helps me to keep the ball on the greens. For tomorrow, it really depends on the weather.

This course, if it's windy or not windy, it's a totally different course. But you've just got to play smart. It's a U.S. Open; you've got to give it some respect.

Q. This is your third U.S. Women's Open. How have you been able to adjust each year? Obviously you won the KPMG last year, so you're already a major champion. How do you feel like your game fits these majors?

RUONING YIN: I think my game fits the majors pretty good. Today bogey-free round, I'm quite happy with it. Just playing in a major, you've just got to -- I feel like saving par is more important than making birdies. You've just got to play smart and play your game.

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