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June 1, 2024

Rio Takeda

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. (In progress.)

RIO TAKEDA: So I was looking forward to playing here, so the course itself is very difficult, but I'm enjoying playing here.

Q. So you make the cut in your first U.S. Women's Open. What does that mean to you?

RIO TAKEDA: So my goal was to make the cut, so last night I felt kind of relieved.

Q. So you're in the top 10; six, seven, eight, nine shots back depending on how the day finishes. You have a chance to win. What is your mindset for tomorrow? What are you going to try to do?

RIO TAKEDA: I'm not aiming for winning the title. However, there is a possibility, so I would like to concentrate and make one hit very important, each hit is very important.

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