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June 1, 2024

Jin Hee Im

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about your round.

JIN HEE IM: Well, I was a little bit sad about round 3 today. I think in the beginning, the first nine didn't go the way that I expected it to, and then the second nine the lies were so challenging and the distance was quite challenging.

Q. This is your first year on the LPGA Tour as a rookie. How would you sum up how the season has been going for you?

JIN HEE IM: Well, this year I tried to LPGA and I also heard that LET and overseas championships can play well, et cetera. At the beginning my year was not as good as I expected so I was a bit disappointed, but through that experience I learned what I need to change. So then after that I made an improvement, and five to six tournaments I was doing much better, although I was not 100 percent satisfied, I was still satisfied with my improvement.

Q. What was the biggest thing that changed in your game? What did you focus on to make the improvements?

JIN HEE IM: Well, while playing I think I need to really consider the environmental elements, and also I think that I have to change the technique for shots, as well.

For example, like the Asian grass and the American grass is different, so there is a contact difference, as well. So that's what I learned.

Q. What was the difference between today and the last two days?

JIN HEE IM: I learned that not having wind versus having wind, every day they change the tee box, so I think that the location of tee box was different.

Q. What's the most challenging hole here?

JIN HEE IM: The 18th hole. The 18th hole is very challenging, and I've been making bogeys, so I think that's definitely the most challenging hole.

Q. (Indiscernible).

JIN HEE IM: Well, I want to be able to play with confidence rather than thinking about playing aggressively or safely. If there was any chance, then I have to grab the chance, and if I need to avoid something, I will avoid. That's how I want to play tomorrow.

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