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June 1, 2024

Corey Conners

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Another solid day today. How would you assess your game through the first three rounds?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it hasn't been quite what I wanted, but it's been pretty solid. There have been a lot of stretches where I've done a lot of things really well. Just haven't driven the ball quite like I want to really. I think that's been the main thing holding me back this week. Hitting a lot of good iron shots and feel like I'm rolling it well, still would like to see more putts go in as well. I think the biggest thing, if I could just drive it a little bit better, I feel like I would give myself a lot better opportunities.

Q. What adjustments have you made throughout the first three rounds and do you plan on making any adjustments going into the final round tomorrow?

COREY CONNERS: I haven't really made too many adjustments, pretty much sticking to the same game plan. But, yeah, I think for tomorrow it will be important just to be free off the tee and try and let it fly. I feel like that when I do that, that's when I hit it my best. It's very important to hit fairways out here.

Q. You're wearing a fresh hat, what happened to the hat you were wearing in your round today?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, all day the support from the Canadian fans was incredible. A kid was really wanting my hat walking off the 18th green, so I remember being a kid here at the RBC Canadian Open and, yeah, hopefully put a smile on his face. Fortunately, I had backup ready to go.

Q. Do you have any memories from your childhood coming to this that stick out to you? Do you ever find yourself getting sentimental on the course when you play in this event?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, really just in awe of the professionalism and how cool it seemed for the guys inside the ropes. I definitely think back to that quite often, try and enjoy myself out there. Yeah, you can't really describe the feeling of all the fans, especially coming up 18, trying to will my putt into the hole as well, it's a pretty cool feeling and something that I'm very lucky to get to experience.

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