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June 1, 2024

Taylor Pendrith

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What were you seeing out there on the course?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, conditions were really good again today. Some tricky pins. Didn't really put myself in too many awkward positions. Hit the ball really well. Kind of hit a wayward drive on 11, and that was my only bogey today. Yeah, very solid.

Q. You had five birdies. What made the course gettable on those holes?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I think tee balls. I hit, felt like I drove it pretty nicely today and I was in the fairway a lot, so I was able to give myself some chances. Hit some really nice wedges and a couple good long irons and kept it pretty simple. It was pretty stress-free, which was always nice. Made some good putts, mid-length putts middle of the round and kind of got me going.

Q. Obviously you had to be a little flexible with your caddie situation today. Who did you end up having carrying your bag?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I had Dean, Dynamite Dean. He was great. Yeah, we had a fun time out there. Kept it pretty light. He kept me hydrated, made sure I was eating my bars, and gave me some good numbers, so, yeah, he was awesome.

Q. I know it was sort of up in the air, how did you settle on Dynamite there?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Mitch kind of set it all up. I said, just find me somebody good, and ended up with him, which was great. We had a really fun time out there and yeah, we were a good team.

Q. How close were you to having NHLer or Ryan Strome carry the bag today?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Close. We joked about it. I didn't know how serious he was, because he was supposed to be at the same wedding that Mitch is in. Yeah, he said he would do it if I needed him, but he's realizes that it's my job and I should probably take a professional caddie, so it's all good.

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