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June 1, 2024

Tom Kim

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What was going well for you out there today?

TOM KIM: Obviously made a few more putts. I think I probably made a few good putts coming in. I rode the momentum really well. I had a few good par saves. I think that's what, obviously that's what keeps the momentum going. I think overall it was really solid today and a lot of key saves coming in.

Q. The back nine, a bunch of birdies on the back nine. Is that stretch of holes a place where you could keep that momentum going?

TOM KIM: Yeah, definitely, but at the same time you just got to hit the fairways here, because they're so critical. I think once you hit fairways you definitely have a lot of chances coming in. I tried to just go off the tee and really plan my score from the tee really where my ball is after that.

Q. Seems like there's a lot of lower scores out today than there was Thursday or Friday. Why do you think that is, just in general for the field?

TOM KIM: I would say the morning and afternoon wave was a big difference. It was a two-shot wave. I think for me personally, I finally played where it wasn't really that windy, at the same time it was really warm. On Thursday morning it was very cold and very windy. I think that's what, for me, that's what definitely helped, like the conditions-wise, it was very gettable and I took advantage of it.

Q. What adjustments if any do you have to make tomorrow to continue moving up the leaderboard?

TOM KIM: Not going to really try to change much. My game plan's been pretty solid. I've been playing well coming in. So kind of try to do the same things.

Q. What was it like playing with Rory?

TOM KIM: It's fun, as usual. I've gotten to play, we played a lot in the recent few years, and it's always fun to, with him, when we play. I've always enjoyed it.

Q. Seems like you guys were chatting a bit. What were a couple things you guys were chatting about?

TOM KIM: I got to keep that between us.

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