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June 1, 2024

Victor Perez

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Victor, 64 today, what was clicking today and how did it feel out there?

VICTOR PEREZ: Yeah, it was really good. Obviously it's one of those that Rory was playing just in front of us with Mark, and we obviously saw a lot of big crowds and so you get quite a bit of energy once your round gets going. Just happy to hit a few balls close, make a few putts and really put a solid round for this Saturday.

Q. Did you feel good this morning about your prospects of going low?

VICTOR PEREZ: I mean, you never, I try not to be too biased with my feels, you know, before the round, because sometimes you feel good you don't play good, and you feel bad and you play great. So I tried not to pay too much attention. I've had some good sessions on the range, played some good rounds, really haven't had these type of rounds where you kind of feel like the round is going, and you hit a ball that usually maybe go to eight feet and it goes to a tap-in and kind of frees you for a free birdie. So it was one of those and I'm excited for tomorrow.

Q. Do you envision following the action this afternoon to see what the lead gets to, or do you unplug and see what it is like in the morning?

VICTOR PEREZ: Yeah, it was a bit weird with the tee time and the leaders teeing off so late. Because I felt like it was 3:25 last off, we were at 12, so we were pretty much going to be done. And we got in and we saw they're just three holes in only, so it obviously makes a, it's kind of hard to relate because the course will play different. So I just try to focus on me as of now. I know it's a little cliche to say, but, yeah, hopefully put a good one tomorrow.

Q. The Auston Matthews jersey, that was fun, on 18, what was that?

VICTOR PEREZ: Yeah, my agent is a big Toronto Leafs fan, so big shout out to them. I'm sure the people appreciated it. Try to show a little support. It's great to be in Toronto and, yeah, it was just a little fun.

Q. Have you been to a hockey game?

VICTOR PEREZ: No, I haven't, unfortunately. Right now it's all over the TV with the playoffs, so I've been following. My trainer as well is a big hockey guy, so I've been following closely and watching the games at night, which is every night pretty much. It's been fun to follow, and, but, no, I, haven't unfortunately, been able to go, but I really want to.

Q. Do you have an American base now or what's that transition been like to playing the PGA TOUR this year?

VICTOR PEREZ: In 2020, 2021 when I was playing here through top 50 I wasn't, and basically I was flying back to the U.K. every time. We live in the Bahamas now, so it makes quite a nice little base to be away from the TOUR during the weeks off and obviously avoid the long trip back to Europe, which is kind of taxing. I think a lot of players have now made the decision and you see, with every, you know, great Europeans over the years, they have all moved to Florida, Arizona, somewhere to limit the travel and be able to practice in good conditions the whole year.

Q. What made you decide the Bahamas?

VICTOR PEREZ: A combination of the things, I won't get too much into details, but we really enjoyed there. It's been, the people have been great with us and yeah, it's just, you know, life in the Bahamas is not too shabby, I would say.

Q. What was the reaction from the crowd when you put the jersey on? Can you describe that?

VICTOR PEREZ: I think it was cool. I was a little bummed that I bogeyed 12 right before, I would have liked to have like gone in with a birdie or something. It was cool. I think people enjoyed it. It was just, like I was saying, like Rory was the group before us, so it was kind of packed. It was funny because, when we were on the hole I think 12, like going to 13, you kind of see hole 5 and it seems like the crowds were really following Tommy and Rory and some of the bigger names in the tournament, so it was nice to have a good energy. I think it's still entertainment at the end of the day, and you know, there would be no tournament if there were no players, but there would be no tournament if there were no fans either. I think it's great to show a little give back to them and I think it gets the people going and it's great.

Q. They banged on the boards for you?

VICTOR PEREZ: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, they were going.

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