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June 1, 2024

Tommy Fleetwood

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Bogey-free 64. 6-under. Tied for leader in the clubhouse right now. How do you feel about your round?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Very good. Definitely I would have taken it before we started off. I think it was, you know, I got off to a great start, and the last three days I actually played the front nine really, really well, it was just the back nine I hadn't capitalized on, and it hadn't been great to me. But, yeah, played really nicely on that back nine and kept the good start going, and it all ended up in a good round. Yeah, definitely a very good start to the day.

Q. You mentioned the back nine was scrappy a couple days ago. How did you keep it together? There's been a lot of players who have done really well on the front nine and then kind of lost it a little bit on the back nine.

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: That's good to know (smiling.) I think I played very, very well yesterday morning and had, like a really sort of difficult nine holes on the greens, where everything, I basically got the worst score I could possibly get. So, I think going into today I was very sort of motivated to try and get something out of that back nine, just because I felt like it had given me nothing for two days. I hit a ton of good golf shots. I was always in play, I was always in position and, again, hadn't really done anything until the 15th. I holed a nice long putt there and then played really nice going in. Had my chances, but yeah, it was a really good back nine, solid.

Q. Did you have this round in mind when you set out this morning to put yourself in a really good position or were you just trying to take it hole by hole?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Yeah, stay patient. I mean, yeah, I always try and visualize the best round possible. But again, I think the golf course, you have to just take what the golf course gives you. I played very well, so then ended up having chances, but at the same time I think it's just, it seems like such an easy golf course to push on, before you know it you hit a wedge or a short iron out of position and I think you can make silly bogeys, and then it gets frustrating. So far I've been kind of clinical in that way. If I'm out of position I've put it in a good spot on the next one and settled for pars and just been patient. Today I made a few birdies. I just think you have to take what the golf course gives you and you can't really, it's not a golf course you can push on at all.

Q. How were the crowds out there for you today?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Rowdy, they were great. Yeah, very lucky with the support that I get out here. I think, the late tee time, so always going to get a good atmosphere on a Saturday. They're having a good day of it. Yeah, great, again, grateful for the support and they're really, really good it's nice to play in front of.

Q. What's it going to take tomorrow? You've been there before.

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Yeah, we'll see. We'll see what the scores finish at, at the end of today, and then just go out tomorrow and continue to try and play great golf. I'm very happy with the work that I'm putting in and starting getting rounds to show, that show the hard work and show how well I've been practicing, in a way, because things are very good. Just continue to do that and hopefully come off the course feeling satisfied in how I played, how I performed, how I felt out there and we'll see where that leads us. The ultimate goal is always to finish on the top of the leaderboard and win, so it's always in the back of your mind, but, yeah, just continue to do the right things and see where that leads us.

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