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May 31, 2024

Jodi Ewart Shadoff

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Good playing today. Give me some thoughts on your round.

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, I played very solid. It's really important to hit fairways out here, put yourself in a good position. I feel like I've done that over the last couple of days. Just trying to be patient.

The greens are significantly tough out there, especially on the back nine, so it's really just trying to limit the three-putts and take the opportunities when they come. I think I did a pretty good job of that today. A little disappointed in the finish, but overall I think I played pretty decent.

Q. You got some birdies early; talk about that.

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, we kind of got lucky with our tee time. Teeing off the back nine early, there's not much wind, and to get through 10, 11, 12 with not really any wind was really nice. I don't think I'd want to be playing them right now. It was nice to get off to a steady start. Hit some really nice shots on the back nine.

It's a lot of par golf out there, so it's really just being patient.

Q. What do you need to do heading into the weekend?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Just much of the same. I'm probably going to work a little bit on my longer irons. Especially out here there are a lot of long shots into the greens, especially on the par-3s, and then just a lot of speed putts will help on the back nine. A little bit of speed putting and short putts.

Q. You've seen the golf course now a few times. What are your thoughts?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, I actually played here in 2015, so I remember a few holes from then. It's in great condition. The greens are pure. It's set up like a U.S. Open should be set up. It's a great test of golf, and it tests every facet of your game. I think it should be fun heading into the weekend.

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