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May 31, 2024

Jin Hee Im

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Jin Hee, played a great round out there. Had birdies on 3, 4, 7, and 8. Can you talk about which one of those stood out, about what happened on all of those?

JIN HEE IM: It was the eighth hole. Started and kind of went to the left and then it bented about 60 agrees so that was chipping that stood out.

Q. This is your first U.S. Open. Can you talk about your experience so far and how the course is playing from yesterday to today?

JIN HEE IM: Well, I think that U.S. Women's Open has a wonderful reputation and it's also very challenging course, so I felt that.

The slope is very intense so yesterday I think I was concerned too much, so I shouldn't think about it was hard after I hit it. I think I was worried too much in the beginning.

So first nine I did not do as well as I hoped to. Now I kind of changed my mindset. So I will worry about after I hitting it, so I think that's why I was able to have a much better result today.

Q. You've won six times in Korea. Talk about how you're going to use that as you're in contention this weekend.

JIN HEE IM: Well, in Korea I have accumulated my know-how's, so how should I say it, sometimes I can make up towards the end if I don't do so well during the first nine.

I think here rather than being more aggressive I have to go with safe route. If I do that, I think I can have a better result.

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