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May 31, 2024

Corey Conners

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Solid day out there. What was your game plan coming into the first two days of the tournament and what's your game plan going into the weekend?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, really got to be patient out here, keep things simple. Fairway, green, try and make some putts. I felt like I did a better job most of the round, or early on in the round today, getting in position off the tee and able to give myself some birdie chances. A little bit of a sloppy finish, but game plan's not really going to change over the weekend. Just try and get the ball in the fairway. Hitting my irons well, so if I'm in the fairway I feel like I'll be able to get a lot of birdie looks, and rolling the putter pretty nicely.

Q. How do you attack this course in different conditions in the morning compared to the afternoon?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it's a little bit intimidating. It's right in front of you, but you know there's some trouble looming on a number of holes. Sometimes it's difficult to step up and trust it, but it's something that's important for success here. I think the course is starting to firm up a little bit, play a little firmer maybe this afternoon and going into the weekend, but, yeah, it's a great test. I really love the course and it's in great shape and it's a great venue this week.

Q. You played a lot with Mackenzie. What's it like when he gets a heater going with the putter?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it's fun to watch. I'm a little bit jealous sometimes how well he rolls it. Yeah, he can get on a good roll, and the greens here are rolling beautifully, no surprise he's rolling a bunch of putts in.

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