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May 31, 2024

David Skinns

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you assess today compared to yesterday and how your game was and how the conditions compared?

DAVID SKINNS: I didn't play that much different. Just a couple of drives that were in the fairway yesterday were just out of the fairway today, which makes the second shots a lot harder. I feel like the pins were a little trickier today, a few more top of the green pins. I just couldn't get a putt to go in, that's really the story. It wasn't that much different. It looks a lot different on the scorecard, but it wasn't that much different. I just didn't get any putts in the hole.

Q. What do you think is the key to your game plan and like when you're evaluating pretournament what's important for you to hone in on in figuring out what you want to do and how to play a golf course?

DAVID SKINNS: It's pretty simple on this course, if you're not in the right position off the tee there's no way you can attack into the green. There's a few holes out here where you can't even reach the green if you're out of the fairway. Yeah, it's kind of a tee-shot golf course. If you're in the right spots you can attack a little bit. Yeah, we've done a good job with our game plan off the tee, so we'll try to execute it over the weekend.

Q. Did you work on anything specifically early week that was unique or different than your normal process or was it pretty much your normal process?

DAVID SKINNS: Not really. I was trying a couple different combinations in the driver, kind of loft and shaft combinations. I got that dialed in. No, it's been kind of the same process the last few weeks. I feel like I've been close to playing really well, so, yeah, I was just trying to fine tune everything and be ready to go.

Q. Do you have a favorite memory from your time playing in Canada?

DAVID SKINNS: The very first tournament was cool when it was first PGA TOUR Canada in Victoria. That's one of my favorite towns. It was great. I played well. I ended up finishing 4th, I think. But, yeah, it was a great memory of just a great town and a really fun golf course.

Q. What inspired you to play PGA TOUR Canada at the time?

DAVID SKINNS: Kind of my only option really at the time. PGA TOUR had just acquired Canadian TOUR in 2013 I think it was when I first played, so it was a good option to come up here. It was a stepping stone to try to get to final stage of Q-School, which I kind of did, I think, in 2016, which was a good step towards where I wanted to be.

Q. Do you feel like you've gotten better every year in your career?

DAVID SKINNS: I don't know if I've gotten better every year. I'm definitely better now than I was a few years back. There's been spells where I've played really well, obviously. I think on a consistent basis, yeah, I've definitely gotten a little better at certain stuff. Each year you get a little wiser as well. Yeah, just trying to get better at what I do.

Q. Was there ever a point in the struggles that you felt like you asked yourself, like, am I crazy for still believing?

DAVID SKINNS: No, no, it's always been what I've done. It's not -- I'm not just giving it a try, I think that's the mindset going into it. If you're just out here to give it a try you're never going anywhere. So, no, this has always been my job. I've always been trying to, kind of been obsessed with getting better at it. I think you poll anyone out here they would say the same thing, like, no, this is what I do, and kind of what we do is try to get better at what we do all the time. That's kind of the job out here.

Q. Was there ever in your 20, 30s grinding on different tours where you would visualize being in contention on the PGA TOUR as a way to motivate yourself?

DAVID SKINNS: I don't know if it was a motivation. I think I'm a big believer in you kind of live in your thoughts. You get what you think about. If you think about that stuff all the time and you put the work in to get there, you'll get there. You kind of live into your thoughts, I think. So, yeah, obviously I think everyone out here sees that all the time. If they didn't, they probably wouldn't be here.

Q. What's the plan this afternoon, are you going to practice or are you going to hang out?

DAVID SKINNS: A couple of things I want to do, but, yeah, not a lot. I'll go relax a little bit and kind of see what I can do to fill the time.

Q. Have you been to Toronto at all this week?

DAVID SKINNS: No, it's kind of a hike. Maybe. I'm on the fence about going to a Blue Jays game tonight, so we'll see.

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