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May 30, 2024

Alexandra Forsterling

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Welcome back to the interview area. We have joined by Alexandra Forsterling. Even par leader in the clubhouse early here. How do you feel about your round.

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I feel amazing. It was a lot of fun out there. My game was really solid. Managed everything well with the wind, and yeah, I'm overall more than happy.

Q. Can you talk us through that stretch, the two birdies on 13 and 14?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, I started off with a bogey and I was a little stressed. But yeah, the birdies definitely felt so nice, and then afterwards I was definitely a bit more relaxed, and I was like, okay, you're good, you're good, keep going. Yeah, that's what I did.

Q. Only your second Women's Open. How did you feel about the state of your game coming into this week?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, really good. I won on the Ladies European Tour not last week but the week before, so I knew that my game was really well at the moment, and I was just trying to take the momentum and really have fun.

Q. Now that you've got a solid round in, what does the preparation look like going into tomorrow?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I would say the same like today. We had a good strategy I would say, and I probably will just do exactly the same.

Q. Throughout the week, everybody in the field has talked about how tough this course is. Now that you've played a round and obviously practice rounds, as well, how are you managing that, as well?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: Yeah, it's definitely really tough. Also especially with the wind. But I just tried to take the bad shots out of play and hit as many fairways and as many greens as I can. It worked really well.

Q. How much do you factor in the winds when you're talking about preparing for the golf course?

ALEXANDRA FORSTERLING: I mean, you never know how hard the wind is. But I actually listened to my caddie, and he tells me where to hit it and I hit it there. It works really well.

Q. Who is your caddie?


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