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May 30, 2024

Adela Cernousek

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome to the interview area Adela Cernousek. Talk a little bit about the round today and about your momentum coming out of NCAAs.

ADELA CERNOUSEK: I was very nervous on the first tee. First round of a major, so very nervous. I didn't hit many fairways in the beginning, which was our main goal today with G.

All we tried to do was hit all the fairways, all the greens, and just, yeah, make two putts everywhere. That was our goal.

I wasn't really able to hit the ball that well in the beginning, but my approach shots were good enough, so I was able to hit the greens and save good pars.

And then in the end, I started feeling more comfortable, and yeah, I felt more comfortable.

Q. Did you know at all where your place was on the leaderboard?

ADELA CERNOUSEK: Yeah, I was looking at the leaderboards. I was like, wow. I was watching every leaderboard on the course.

Q. What do you think the most challenging part of this golf course is?

ADELA CERNOUSEK: Everything. I think you have to hit the ball really well because the roughs are so thick. You want to be on the fairway on every shot to be able to stop the ball on the greens because the greens are so firm and they have so many slopes.

Yeah, and have the right distances on every shot. The putting, also. There were so many slopes and how fast they are. I think it tests every aspect of your game.

Q. I'm sure winning such a big title recently really boosted your confidence. What were the expectations coming into this week?

ADELA CERNOUSEK: I don't really know -- I don't think I have any expectations. I don't think I have anything to lose, so I just tried to enjoy everything with G on the bag and just live the experience to the fullest.

Q. How does he help you the most?

ADELA CERNOUSEK: Well, with everything. He knows everybody here, so it's like -- it makes me feel more comfortable, if I belong here a little more.

Yeah, he helps me a lot with everything, like the distances, and it's familiar to me, so it helps me to be comfortable in every situations and read my putts and focusing on the right things.

Q. Despite any potential caddie errors, how was your decision-making process out there today?

ADELA CERNOUSEK: It was tough with the wind. The wind was switching a lot today. We had some shots where we had to rethink a little bit more, where we had to be -- where we were a little indecisive. I think we were able to commit. Once we made a decision, we were able to commit to the shot, and I think that's why it was good.

Q. You said a moment ago you feel like this is a dream. Not having grown up in this country, being from France, what role has the U.S. Women's Open meant to you and golf in your career?

ADELA CERNOUSEK: Yeah, it's one of the biggest tournaments that there is in golf. I can't even believe I'm playing here this week actually. It's one of the most important tournaments out there for me. It's super fun to be able to be here.

Q. Just curious if Stacy has given you any advice going into this week, and then two, who you've played practice rounds with or who you were excited to see for the first time.

ADELA CERNOUSEK: I didn't get to talk to Stacy before this week, but she helps me a lot when we're at home. She gives me really good advices on a daily basis. She helps me a lot with my putting.

Every time I need something, she's always there to help. Stacy is a big help for us at home.

Practice rounds, so I played with Rose Zhang and Angel Yin the first one, and with Celine Boutier the second one, and by myself the last one.

But yeah, it was so fun. It was really cool to be able to play with them and kind of compare my game but without really paying attention because I have to focus on myself. Yeah, it's really cool to be able to play with players like this.

Q. Had you met Celine before?

ADELA CERNOUSEK: No, that was the first time.

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