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May 30, 2024

Allisen Corpuz

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Just assess your performance. Already said you thought you played pretty solid.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, made a few really good putts out there. Hit the ball pretty solid the whole day. Just kind of misclubbed on 12 and made a mess out of it.

Overall felt like I played pretty solid.

Q. Elaborate on No. 12 and what happened.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, felt like I was just in between clubs off the tee and obviously can't miss short, so I took the longer one and just bounced through the green a little.

Got caught up against the rough and tried to chip it. Just didn't think I could get a putter on it. Unfortunately bladed it into the water from there and didn't make the up and down for double.

Q. What clubs?


Q. Okay.


Q. I'm guessing that was probably one of the key points of your round because you're 1-over to that point and then you make triple on 12. So what do you do, kind of reset the ship? Played pretty solid coming in.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, like it was really just one bad shot. Even that was just kind of unlucky. Just kind of told myself like, hey, just try to hopefully make a few coming in. Wasn't able to put made a really solid par save on the last hole.

Q. Impressions of Lancaster?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think it's beautiful. I mean, it's obviously playing really tough, but I mean, I love the course. It's a great venue.

Q. Okay. Defending champion moniker effect? No effect? Something you think about? Something you don't think about?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, I definitely think about it just because people come up to me and say like, hey, congrats on winning last year.

But, no, I've been trying pretty hard not to put pressure on myself. Just more trying to see where the game is at. Again, just try to keep hitting quality shots.

Q. You mentioned seeing where the game is at. Where do you feel like the game is at entering this tournament?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, haven't quite had the start to the year that I would've wanted, but it feels like things have been turning around and honestly feels like I've been playing solid; just haven't really been scoring.

Just kind of waiting it out.

Q. And then tomorrow, talk about your strategy, some of the lessons you learned today that you're going to hopefully try to put in place tomorrow.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think just trusting the wind a little more. There are a few times where, you know, like I kind of be right about it hit it and switch clubs or something just thinking like we felt a gust instead of just trusting where we knew it was.

Maybe just committing a little better to just knowing like where the wind is at. But, yeah, just kind of keep doing the same thing and keep taking good swings.

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