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May 30, 2024

Wichanee Meechai

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Lancaster Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You made bogey on 14 and 15 coming in. Came back with a birdie on 16.


Q. Take me through those three holes and what happened.

WICHANEE MEECHAI: It's, for me, I think it's so stupid bogey because I hit it like in the fairway and I have like 9-iron in my hand.

I couldn't pitch it like way I want, so it's hard to putt. Those green was just so hard. I just, you know --

Q. Put yourself in bad positions on the green?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: I think so, but I have to be patient with you're not going to make a lot of like birdies on this golf course.

And if it's made bogey it was fine. For me. Just bogey is fine.

So I'm trying to come back and then just stay on my game. If I get a chance to make birdie, I made, yeah.

Q. So on 14 and 15 did you three-putt those holes for bogey or miss the greens?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: I missed the green.

Q. With 9-iron?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: Yeah, with 9-iron in the fairway. Not so bad so good.

Q. What happened on 16 for birdie after those two bogeys?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: Actually that putt was kind of hard. It's like hit it like back of the hole because I had like very downhill putt.

I just feel like I'm just going to -- if I going to miss the putt, I prefer go down there to putt it up better to have downhill save for par.

Yeah, I have that kind of target and then I putted and make it.

Q. Was it a long putt, like 30 feet?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: It was like eight yards which is, yeah, like 24, 27 feet, yeah.

Q. You made the cut in this event in your previous three starts. What do you take from your prior U.S. Women's Open experience?

WICHANEE MEECHAI: I think my game kind of suit the way that they set up the course. Like I'm not make a lot of birdies. I'm not the kind of people make seven, eight birdies.

My game kind of patience. Like made four, five birdies a day. If I can still make it like four, five a day on this golf course, I think it will make my finish pretty good on this kind of setup.

Q. You had to qualify for this championship this year.


Q. At Ohio State. What was that experience like? Stressful I'm sure.

WICHANEE MEECHAI: Yes, I am. It was so tired because it was 36 hole and it's very hot. Yeah, it's the same thing, like the setup was kind of tough and it's firm and it's like windy on that day, so I trying to stay patient, and, yeah, like just shot 2-under to make it, which is not high score I think.

So I think it suited me more.

Q. Happy to be here obviously.

WICHANEE MEECHAI: Yes, yes, of course.

Q. Because you made the most of your round one.


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