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May 30, 2024

Robert MacIntyre

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Robert, I'm going to stray away from your round for a moment, but we were talking to Ryan Fox a little bit and talking about the transition from the U.S. and to the PGA TOUR. What has Ryan's friendship and companionship meant to you going through that transition coming over here to the PGA TOUR?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: I think, to be honest, probably almost all of us that have come over from the DP World Tour, or at least the majority of us, have struggled. I think I've got closer to a lot of these guys, a lot of the ten than I thought I would need to just because it's completely different, different environment.

Obviously in Europe, it's more friendly. It's more -- it's not friendly. We're all competitive. We're all wanting to beat the hell out of each other when we're on the golf course, but I think off the golf course it's a lot more tightknit. We go all over the world. We go to Asia. A lot of our partners don't go to these countries because it's just difficult. It's difficult enough for me to go to these places, never mind them.

I think we stuck together a lot more, and out here we're kind of on our own a lot more. We're with our families, our friends as much as we can. But Ryan's been a great help to me, especially going through the Visa process. He managed to get me fast tracked through a guy he knows. I think the European guys have really stuck together and trying to push each other on.

We're all good players. It's the game of golf. It's no different out here. It's just a different environment. We're learning. If our good golf turns up, we can all compete out here.

Q. How important is it to have support and friendship out here in a game that can be individual and you can be tempted to put so much stock in what you shoot and like define your day by a score when it's more than just that?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: Yeah, 100 percent. It's exactly what you said. Your day is not defined by a score. It's something I've tried to work on since coming out here because I've not had my best stuff until kind of the last seven, eight weeks. It's just not been there.

I think I was too worried about the score instead of just who cares about the score, go and do the things you can do, and I think I've done that really well in the last little while.

Even the PGA, Sunday the PGA I didn't have my best stuff, but my job wasn't to -- I wasn't trying to win the golf tournament. Everything I was doing within myself was going to get that end goal if I'd done it all perfectly well and the golf shots were the results I wanted, but they weren't. It was all hanging in there and trying to pack off as high a result as I could, and I think I've done that.

Q. Anything in your game that's been better the last six weeks or so when you've had this uptick of results?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: To be honest, it's everything, to have a clear mindset and a real clear calmness within my game. The golf shot I had there on one of my last couple of holes, 5-iron into that par-3, it was horrific, but I have the skills to deal with it. I didn't mean to hit it there, just go deal with it. That's how the mental side of my game has really come through.

Everything's been better. I've driven the ball really well the last little while. Putter's been really good. It seems to be very solid. So overall, it's just everything is starting to come together, and it's taken a little bit of time, but it's not a sprint.

Q. What do you credit for your mental game being better these last few weeks?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: I think it's just a combination of everything. Look, we've got a team around me that we're trying to get better every single day that we're out here. I was on the range today. My dad is obviously caddieing this week. And I wasn't striking it great. That's a warmup. When we go on the golf course, that's when we've got to play and compete.

That was kind of the mindset I had. Go out there, who knows what I'm going to score. It could be the worst warmup you have and you score the best score of your life. It wasn't that today, but it was decent. It's just take it a shot at a time bit by bit and try to get a good result.

Q. How often does your dad caddie for you, and how did that come about?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: It was the first time since Tour School in 2017, 2018. Whenever I turned pro, I went straight to Tour School, and he caddied. We did all right there.

I'm going in transition between caddies. I'm trying to work it all out. Yeah, it was an emergency phone call on Saturday, and he stepped up to the plate. He's a good golfer himself, but this kind of level, he's a bit out of his depth. I thought he did a great job and kept it so simple. The numbers are what they are. Go and add a good shot to that number, and the results should be half decent.

Q. Where does your dad live?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: Still in Oban, where I'm born and bred. He flew Sunday morning out here.

Q. Can you walk us through the Visa process? You talked about it. When did you find out it was going to be an issue, and when did you get it cleared up?

ROBERT MACINTYRE: I didn't realize until I was flying back to go and compete at the Zurich, and luckily I flew through Dublin because I don't like the connections within America. It can take too long with a passport.

So I flew through Dublin, and I get pulled into secondary, just doing their jobs. I got told that I could travel (indiscernible). But my P-1 Visa had been granted, and it was there that I didn't think I was getting into America. I said, I'm going to have to go get a P-1 Visa within the next week and fly to the next tournament.

Luckily I got a waiver to get in because my P-1 Visa, all of my documents were in Orlando at the house, and I just knew -- they told me there, the next time you leave America, you cannot re-enter until you've got your P-1 Visa. I'm going, well, I'm doing U.S. Open qualifying on Monday here if I have to, and if I've qualified, I won't go home. I'll go back to Orlando, but I can't go to Orlando unless I have a P-1 Visa and the passport.

That's where Ryan had a connection in Canada that got me fast tracked a little bit. Luckily I got that on Tuesday.

Q. On Tuesday of this week?


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