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May 30, 2024

David Skinns

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell us about your round.

DAVID SKINNS: Drove it pretty well. I left myself in a lot of good spots. Around here, it seems like that's half the battle to give yourself birdie looks. I was able to attack some pins that maybe if I wasn't in such a good spot, I wouldn't have been able to. It was solid off the tee, and that kind of helped me take advantage of some of the holes out there.

Q. Is this a spot you're starting to feel more comfortable in on the PGA TOUR? Would you say you would have felt comfortable like in January in this spot?

DAVID SKINNS: No, definitely different. I think once you know your good golf can compete, it's a lot easier to trust that and to have those feelings of comfort a little more than maybe otherwise if you hadn't been there before and held up.

Yeah, not particularly uncomfortable right now. Hopefully I can continue for the rest of the week.

Q. Is there a sense of -- are you having more fun out there now kind of in these last couple months, or has it been fun the whole way?

DAVID SKINNS: It's hard to keep that sense of fun when things aren't great and you're missing every cut by one. It's tough to keep that sense of fun. Still enjoy the challenge obviously, but yeah, when you're seeing more results, it's obviously a lot more fun, which it's been a while since Houston, so I'm kind of -- it's been a few weeks. I'd love to be up there again and see what it feels like on Sunday.

Q. You spent some time playing here in Canada. Is there some comfort level coming back here?

DAVID SKINNS: Yeah, maybe. I had a couple of great years up here. It's one of my favorite countries to come visit. I've seen it from West Coast to East Coast and kind of loved every part of it. Yeah, I love coming back.

The golf up here is pretty cool. The bentgrass and the way this golf course looks, it's one of the best looking courses I've seen. Definitely a joy to be back.

Q. Any tricky moments today where it felt like bogey might be in the equation?

DAVID SKINNS: Hole 6 is playing really hard. I hit a really good 4-iron and kind of thought I hit it well enough to get back to that pin. It's a tough pin kind of back up there on the top. It's just hard to get it anywhere near it with a 4-iron. I'd have probably had to 2-iron if I wanted to get it back there.

Yeah, that was the toughest hole for sure, and I left my first putt 15 feet short and was able to make the second one. Yeah, there's a lot of tricky out there for sure.

Q. Did you feel a round like today coming?

DAVID SKINNS: Yeah, absolutely. I've been playing well the last few weeks. Colonial was not so good, but I didn't feel like I was doing a ton wrong. I just let it get away the first round a little bit. Actually played all right Friday. It's just I had to do a lot and really never got anything going. Yeah, it's been there the last few weeks.

Q. Just thoughts on the crowd support and playing here.

DAVID SKINNS: It was great. I was playing with a local guy, Justin Matthews. He hung in there really well, and there was a lot of people following him around, which was great. We kind of got a little bit of that atmosphere too. Yeah, just good people out here.

Q. Those years in Canada, when you think back to where you were in that phase of your career, how would you describe the state of your game at that point, and what you were thinking about your career prospects at that point?

DAVID SKINNS: I just think I was still in that I'm trying to get better phase. That's kind of been my entire career. I've not paid too much attention to am I getting anywhere? Why am I not on the PGA TOUR? Every Tour I've kind of treated as I play the one I'm on. I was just trying to get a bit better and a bet better. Finally I was able to play out here in 2016 and get through that Q-School and get full Korn Ferry status and haven't really looked back.

Q. Was there anyone you played with the past few years that you keep contact with?

DAVID SKINNS: Yeah, Kyle Wilshire and I traveled out here. I talk to Kyle all the time. He's one of my favorites. You spend enough time out here, you're going to get pretty close to some people.

Q. Were you a veteran on that Tour at that point?

DAVID SKINNS: Probably. Didn't necessarily feel like it, but I'm sure I was. I don't really feel like it out here, but I am. I don't pay too much attention to that, but I'm sure I was.

Q. What was the confidence into this week? Where do you think that mostly came -- was there an area in your game you were super confident in, mentality, overall vibe?

DAVID SKINNS: Yeah, it's all been fairly close for a little while. Played really well in Myrtle Beach, and I just couldn't really figure those greens out.

Yeah, it's been the same for a little while. So I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing.

Q. Family here this week?

DAVID SKINNS: No, my wife's too busy for that.

Q. What's the sports with the kids going on?

DAVID SKINNS: Lots and lots of baseball. It's seven nights a week right now at the baseball field. They're enjoying it. I'm sure enjoying watching them play.

Q. Does the 13th remind you of some other hole that you play?

DAVID SKINNS: Not really. It's kind of a tough par-3. It's kind of a funny angle on the green there. It's going to be tough to make 2s, and that pin position today was pretty tricky. It's just a good par-3.

Q. What would a win mean to you?

DAVID SKINNS: I think everyone knows the answer to that. I've been working at it for 20-something years. I've got to play tomorrow first, though.

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