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May 30, 2024

Sean O'Hair

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Oakdale Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What's that process like?

SEAN O'HAIR: Really, there wasn't much of a game plan. My caddie walked the golf course several times. I've kind of put the game plan on him and he just kind of guided me out there today. I trust him doing that. He does a really good job of charting the courses for me. Kind of just trusted him today and it worked.

Q. So he got here -- when did he get here?

SEAN O'HAIR: I think he got here Tuesday, or maybe even Monday.

Q. When you like, the adrenaline of getting here does, it feel any different on the tee having not played a practice round or gone through the pretournament process or have you don't this so much that it all kind of --

SEAN O'HAIR: I mean, it definitely felt uncomfortable. I like to be prepared. I just, I didn't have an option. I think when you don't really have an option and you're kind of making a big deal about it, it almost hurts you, so I kind of just said, look, I don't really expect a whole lot today, I haven't really been playing that great either, so to come out here and shoot the score I did today was definitely kind of a shocker for me. Ride it out I guess as long as I can.

Q. Eagle on 17. What did you see on that hole?

SEAN O'HAIR: It's a pretty tight driving hole, so I just kind of cut a driver off that left bunker there and pulled it off. Then I hit a really good 5-wood to the middle of the green. I was able to be aggressive with the eagle putt because it was up the hill. Just broke a little right and went right in the center. That was nice.

Q. Sam Burns, who is right at the top of the leaderboard with you, has two eagle. What about the conditions today on this course is lending itself not just to birdies but to eagles?

SEAN O'HAIR: I think the softness of the greens. The moisture in the greens has slowed 'em down a little bit, so they're not quite as quick. They're pretty undulated greens, they can kind of get away from you if they're up to speed. I think being able to be a little bit more aggressive with some of those pin locations because the greens were softer.

Q. What's it been like bouncing back and forth between the two tours this year?

SEAN O'HAIR: It's difficult. It's difficult. When you're playing two tours you got to play twice as well. Because you're playing half the amount of events than anybody. I'm not going to turn down PGA TOUR events to play just the Korn Ferry Tour. I've kind of been in this situation for the last two or three years, so I got to play well when I play and then that's about it.

Q. Did you think you were getting in this week?

SEAN O'HAIR: I didn't, no. I knew I was first alternate, but I kind of had a feeling that I was going to kind of come here and sit down for the week. I was kind of surprised that I got in. I think I got in Monday night or Tuesday morning. I think it was maybe Tuesday morning. Getting in was exciting for me, because I've got very limited starts out here this year, especially this year. I played 21 times last year on the PGA TOUR and this year I think this is my fourth or fifth event, so not too many.

Q. How different does the, did the course feel from when you played well here in 2006 with the changes?

SEAN O'HAIR: Yeah, the change, I don't know, for whatever reason, it just felt like it is really nicely framed now. The golf course couldn't be better. It's absolutely beautiful. Some of the holes are a little bit longer. The bunkering, I mean I don't remember the bunkering having kind of that tall fescue look and all that. I don't really remember the golf course from 2006, but, yeah, I thought it looked great today. They were talking about change, I don't know exactly all the changes that they made out here, but they have done a really nice job.

Q. You've been a considered a vet for a long time, but do you feel like an old man out here?

SEAN O'HAIR: Yeah, I do. (Laughing). Yeah, that's probably a nice way of saying it, yeah.

Q. Can you talk about the travel delays getting here.

SEAN O'HAIR: I guess, I think I was like sixth alternate going into the week, and then on, I think on Sunday and Monday quite a few guys dropped out. Then I found out I was first alternate Monday kind of midday. I made some arrangements to get here for Tuesday and I was kind of interested in seeing where I was going to be Tuesday morning, because I had a feeling I wasn't going to get in. They called, the TOUR called me up Tuesday morning and said I was in, so I tried to catch my flight out of Lubbock, which is where I live, and we had a lot of severe weather. So just got cancelled Tuesday and so I kind of started panicking how to get here. I had to drive five hours yesterday morning to go to Dallas, because it was the only flight I could get. I couldn't get anything out of Lubbock. So I was fortunate enough to get here. I was exhausted. So, like I said, I was kind of in a fog today because I was just so tired, but it worked out.

Q. Were there injuries from the last couple weeks on the Korn Ferry Tour or was it just --

SEAN O'HAIR: Yeah, I had mono. So I've been sick for about six weeks. So I'm finally getting over it.

Q. Feeling better now?

SEAN O'HAIR: I feel good now.

Q. What does golf look like when you have mono?

SEAN O'HAIR: It's hard to concentrate. So that's kind of why I pulled out last week is I just couldn't focus.

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