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May 30, 2024

Taylor Pendrith

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You got to be pretty pleased, I think you were at 3-over and then you really brought it back coming home. What switched it for you? Was there a particular hole or did you roll in a putt that kind of got you going and feeling good?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Didn't really get off to a great start. My first time seeing the back nine. I played it like 10 years ago, so I didn't really remember much. Obviously they made some changes and it was pretty tricky, I thought. Just kind of knowing where to miss it and I seemed to miss it in some awkward positions, but yeah, front nine played really good, gave myself a lot of looks and saw some putts go in early on the back nine and kind of gave me some confidence and finished with two on the last two which was great.

Q. You got up-and-down on your 10th hole, the 1st and then on the par-5 got up-and-down for birdie. That probably helps as well.

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, No. 1 was a big momentum for me. I would have, I bogeyed 2, so I was 3-over through 11 holes and was able to shoot under par, so it was a great finish. Get some momentum for tomorrow.

Q. You've obviously played in Canadian Opens, but this is the first one as a PGA TOUR winner. Can you talk a bit about how you felt early in the round and playing in that marquee group, how different did it feel this year than past?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, it was fun. There was definitely more people watching us than last time I played here or last time I played the Canadian Open. Yeah, it was great. I got off to an actually a pretty good start. Hit some really nice shots on the first three holes. Missed two short ones on 10 and 11 and then birdied 12. I got off to a good start. I felt comfortable. We had fun. Rory played, scored really nicely. It was fun to play with Nick. It was a comfortable pairing and it was fun to have the support of the home crowd and should be good tomorrow.

Q. Did you feel a lot more people recognize you this year than in past years?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, I think so, yeah.

Q. Any birthday wishes out there?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, lots. (Laughing).

Q. You mentioned that you were learning sort of the back nine on the fly. What's that process look like when you're in the midst of a round and you're like, this is new to me?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, it's a little, I guess frustrating, but my caddie did a pretty good job of checking the course out and guiding me around. I hit some poor shots that led to bogeys, but, yeah, it's not ideal, but I saw it I guess and I kind of know the layout for tomorrow and so hopefully get off to a better start.

Q. What will the rest of your day look like in terms of both practice and also maybe celebrating?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: That's a good question. I don't know what my wife has planned. Yeah, going to practice a little bit and go rest up and then probably go to dinner. So nothing crazy.

Q. You're a guy who can get your driver out there when you want to. Just seeing Rory just being able to sort of really ramp it up like did he on a couple holes, I mean, do you even pay attention at this point or what?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, it's impressive. He hits it very far downwind. I feel like he didn't, for his standards, probably didn't drive it great today. Probably didn't feel like he drove it great. But he hits it hard, yeah. The first driver we hit on 11 I was like five past him and that was it for the rest of the day.

Q. Maybe he took it personally?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah. (Laughing).

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