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May 30, 2024

Sam Burns

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What were you seeing from the course today that led to such a strong start?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I think getting off to a nice start there, birdieing the 10th hole. I think for us going into today we knew that there was going to be some tough pin locations, and really kind trying to accept what the golf course is giving us. Just trying to get the ball in position as much as we possibly could. Was able to drive it pretty well. Got to give a shout out to my caddie Travis, his birthday today, he did a really good job out there and it was a lot of fun.

Q. What's his last name?

SAM BURNS: Perkins.

Q. Obviously you also had two eagles. Sean O'Hair had an eagle. What about the conditions today is lending itself to shooting so low just on some of the holes?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I think with all the rain we had early in the week the greens are still pretty receptive. It makes a big difference on par-5s when you have a long iron or a wood coming in there to be able to stop the ball pretty quick. That makes a huge difference. So I think that was really the difference in my round today. Making two eagles. Kind of kick started me and it was overall a solid round.

Q. What's the reception been like for you from the Canadian fans so far?

SAM BURNS: I love it. I love coming up here, especially being a member of Team RBC, I look forward to this event every year. The fans are incredible, the community always supports this event so well, and I love, I really do love coming up here.

Q. What was it like, you know, it's just been a whirlwind being a dad for the first time. How does life feel different as a dad?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, it's been incredible. I would be lying if I didn't say it was tough coming up here having to leave them, but they're coming out the next three weeks so that will be really fun. Yeah, it's the best. Definitely don't want to be at the golf course as much as I used to be. I like spending time at home more with my wife and child now. It's been really fun. My wife's incredible, an incredible mother, so that's been really cool to see.

Q. Have you compared any fatherhood notes with Scottie at all?

SAM BURNS: A little bit. He's had kind of had a lot going on recently, too. We're staying together in a house next week so we'll get to catch up.

Q. How was the off week different as a dad than it might be in the past without a kid?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I haven't gotten up at 2 a.m. much in the past to change a diaper, so doing that a lot now. But I think it really just is getting to spend quality time with Caroline and little Bear has been incredible.

Q. The name, what was the inspiration for the name?

SAM BURNS: I don't know. Somehow I saw something, kind of came up with it, and I got the permission granted from Caroline, so she was on board and he just kind of looks like a little bear, so it worked out.

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