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May 30, 2024

Mike Weir

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Bit of an up and down round, but at the end of the round you're in great shape. What did you see out on the course?

MIKE WEIR: Yeah, I mean, a day like today's going to be up and down. There's gusty winds, swirling around winds, you're going to hit some shots that don't turn out great because of the wind changing right when you make impact sometimes. Overall it was very good. I hit a lot of really good iron shots. That was the key to the day for me today. I didn't find as many fairways as I would have liked, that's been a strength of my game lately, so try to sharpen that up for tomorrow. But my iron play was great. I putted well. Those are the two best parts of my game today.

Q. You mentioned yesterday that you feel like you're playing some really great golf these days. Just broadly, what's working for you?

MIKE WEIR: Like I said, just the things I've been working on with David Leadbetter are kicking into gear. Last week I played very well, but didn't have a very good putting week. As I said yesterday to you guys, I made a change and I just feel better. I just feel more comfortable on the greens. I haven't been making putts like that -- I made it, it wasn't a long putt on 15, but a 5-footer, and I made a 15-footer on 16 and another 15-footer on 17. I haven't done that in a long time. It doesn't seem like a lot, but when you see a couple of those go in, it just makes all the difference and it just kind of camps you down. You can fire at more pins because you feel like even if you miss it you can get it, chip it close and get it up-and-down. And when you're not putting well you play a lot more defensively because you're just the way it is, you just the mindset isn't there. So I think overall things I'm working with David just are clicking into gear.

Q. Six birdies out there today. The leaders might have thrown in an eagle or two, but I haven't seen anyone with more than six birdies. How rewarding is it to have a round like that and especially considering you're going to be spending a lot of time with the younger generation this year as a Presidents Cup captain is it nice to show them what you still got?

MIKE WEIR: Well, I was playing with S.H. and Roger and they're potentially, if they play well and get on a nice round, they could potentially be on the team. So it's nice playing with a couple of international guys. I definitely have my eye on all the guys. I want them all to play well. I wish I could pick 'em all. Yeah, it was nice to, nice for myself to play well this week. My focus is just on my game this week and I've tried to leave those guys alone as well. This is a big week, especially for the Canadian guys. I'll catch up with Adam Scott and Camilo who is one of my assistants, and we're going to have lunch today and have a little chat about some things. But outside of that just trying to let the guys play.

Q. You've always been a relentless pursuit of excellence in your game. What is it that makes you still so inspired to try and keep your game at the highest level at this point in your career and is it days like today that make it rewarding?

MIKE WEIR: I just, yeah, I have belief in myself and I feel like I still have the tools to compete when I'm, when things are on. Like I said, the last few years I just have not been putting very well. I'm hoping this change really helps and spurs me on to some good golf here going forward. I don't know. I just love the game. I love to practice. I love to compete. You ask Bernhard at 67 while he's still doing it, you know, you love the competition, and when you have that belief in your self and you feel like you can still do it, why not.

Q. A lot of sports fans in Canada will see you this week and they might notice that you look almost the same as you did like 20 years ago. What's sort of been the secret of the fountain of youth with Mike Weir?

MIKE WEIR: I pay attention to things. I pay attention to what I eat. I'm very good about stretching and mobility. That's a big thing as you get a little bit older. You want to keep some strength, but you just want to stay mobile. I still feel like I can move pretty well. I really pay attention to just staying mobile, that's the big thing. That's a lot of stretching, massage and recovery stuff ice baths and saunas and things like that, and then good stretching and stuff that you didn't have to think as much about when you were 30, but as you get older you definitely have to. So, probably some good genes too. My parents and my grandparents, so some good genes, luckily.

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