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May 30, 2024

Ryan Palmer

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Bogey-free 65, great start to the tournament. What would you say was your key to such a great round today?

RYAN PALMER: I putted well. I've been putting better than I've putted in recent years, and I finally put my iron play to work.

It's been a struggle these last few months when I've played. Ball striking has been probably some of the worst it's been in recent years.

So finally I made a little, small tweak in my setup, moved away from the ball a little bit, and finally just let it go, started giving myself chances. When I had to get up-and-down, I did and made a lot of great par saves. It's nice to put my good putting of late and add some good iron play to it.

I've enjoyed playing here a lot, this golf course, and it's a great feeling to put a good round together.

Q. Why do you think this course, what is the defining characteristic in terms of what you need to do well to compete here?

RYAN PALMER: You've got to drive it well for sure. The rough's pretty good, but you can play from it. It's just getting on the right side of the hole as well.

The greens are a little softer than they probably want because of all the rain they've had. I controlled my ball today. That was a huge key today. And hit a lot of greens. When I miss the green, I get up-and-down.

Yeah, good feeling. It's nice to wake up Friday morning and not have to stress as much. We'll get up at 4:00 a.m. and come do it again.

Q. The setup key, what was the genesis of that, of making that?

RYAN PALMER: It was more when I stepped to the ball, I scooted away from it a little bit, and it kind of got my body a little more loose and not so tense, I guess you could say. Weakened my left hand just a hair, and just let it go.

That's probably been the biggest thing. I've been real guide-y with my iron swing. The driver I let go just fine, but iron play has been really timid, I guess you could say. It was nice to let it go today and see some results.

Q. When did you make that tweak?

RYAN PALMER: Sunday after Colonial. Played so bad on Friday at Colonial. Then played golf with some guys at home, and it just dawned on me for some reason. I scooted back a little bit, and I was like, oh, something feels more natural here. It feels normal.

So put it to work. I had a great preparation, some of my best, leading up to today, and it showed.

Q. What gives you the motivation to keep grinding and keep putting in the work and chase your full potential out here?

RYAN PALMER: I just enjoy it. It's been such a frustrating time with golf, but I've enjoyed still working on it. I'm grinding on it at home and trying to do what I can and on the golf course.

Just I enjoy playing the game. I love being out here, love competing. I love being the old guy beating up on some of the young guys when I can. It hasn't happened lately, but it was nice to put a round like that together today.

I just enjoy doing it. I'm decently healthy, which is nice. A lot of aches and pains, though, but just the love of the game has kept me grinding like this. I still enjoy it.

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