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May 30, 2024

Corey Conners

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Hamilton Golf and Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Corey, solid round out there on what's been sort of a difficult day for players. How did you find the golf course?

COREY CONNERS: I found the golf course quite great. It was in great shape. Started to firm up a little bit, still fairly soft. The course is drying up from all the rain earlier in the week.

The course played great. Had some pretty tricky pin locations out there today. Couldn't really get too greedy most of the time. It was a great test today. Had to definitely be patient out there.

Q. The conditions were pretty soft at the start of the day. Did it change a little as the sun came out and started to bake things a little bit?

COREY CONNERS: I think a little bit. It should continue over the next few days, and it should shape up to be a great weekend. The course will be playing awesome the rest of the way as well.

Definitely got a few more bounces forward out there throughout the day.

Q. This is a course where the opportunities may be few and far between so you have to take advantage of them when they do arise. Did you feel that today?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, definitely. I felt like I did take advantage of the few opportunities I had. I wasn't playing my best. I wasn't hitting the ball off the tee like I would have liked, but yeah, I was able to take advantage of some opportunities, and that is definitely very important on this golf course.

Q. Any plan for tomorrow?

COREY CONNERS: Just try to hit a few more fairways, give myself better chances to hit some good iron shots into the green. I felt like I hit my irons quite well today and was putting well.

Get the ball in the fairway a little better and try to take advantage of a few more opportunities.

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