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May 29, 2024

Jackson Herrington

Blades Brown

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Philadelphia Cricket Club

Quick Quotes

Q. When you watched that putt on 18 roll, did you think it was in?

BLADES BROWN: I did, yeah. I did. I thought it was going to die in the right edge, but it didn't go in. But a lot of positives from this week.

Q. What did you guys learn about yourselves? Last year you guys got to the quarters, now you get to the final. What did you find out about your games? I know you've had a hell of a year.

BLADES BROWN: I found out that this is my four-ball partner for life. Yeah, golf is so mental. Coming down the stretch, I felt like Jackson and I were mentally prepared to battle. Unfortunately we didn't get it done this time, but we're going to come back.

Q. Your shot on 17, obviously 2-down, two to play, you hit a great drive. What did you have in?

JACKSON HERRINGTON: I had 96 yards and all I was thinking was hole it, and if not, miss for birdie. I think we did good there.

Q. What did you hit, gap wedge?

JACKSON HERRINGTON: I hit lob wedge, three-quarter lob wedge. Just tried to skip it back there, and it was perfect.

Q. Who made the eagle?


Q. 12 feet I heard?

JACKSON HERRINGTON: I think it was like 12 or something. I flew it to like three inches, something like that, maybe more, maybe like six -- I think I was 220 out.

Q. What did you hit?

JACKSON HERRINGTON: I hit an 8-iron.

Q. 8-iron? This guy hits it a bunch.

BLADES BROWN: He's like Bryson DeChambeau, Bryson Jackson Herrington.

Q. I know you made a birdie putt on 3, and you guys birdied the other par-5. Who birdied that, 12?

BLADES BROWN: I did. I got on in two and we forced the other guys to make birdie, and they didn't make birdie, so I had about a six-footer for birdie and made it.

Q. What did you find out about those guys? They're mid-am guys. They work for a living.

BLADES BROWN: Looks are deceiving. I'm not saying they don't look like tour pros. They obviously played really close to tour pros. It was a fun match today.

Q. You guys obviously have a big Monday coming up and then the rest of your summer. You're already into the Junior, correct? You've got to qualify for the Junior?

JACKSON HERRINGTON: I barely missed it. We do U.S. Open Monday, and then I fly on the 4th to Dallas and then the 5th to U.S. Junior, fly back and then the 6th I do U.S. Am. If we won this, it was going to help me out. We've got to tough it out now.

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