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May 26, 2024

Keegan Bradley

Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Colonial CC

Quick Quotes

Q. I know the bogey on the last isn't the away you wanted to finish, but how good is that round today in the conditions out there?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Really good. My best round of the year probably. Hung in there. I really felt comfortable out there in contention, which is not always the case. I'm really proud of the way I played today. I think that's going to just get me ready for the next time that happens.

Q. What is it sometimes that makes you not feel comfortable in contention?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: I don't know. I feel like over the last few years I've been able to handle it better. Years past I have kind of felt better making a charge from a little lower back, but now I enjoy getting up there. I kept telling myself to enjoy the time out there and enjoy the atmosphere and enjoy how tough it was, and I did a good job of that today.

Q. How can this kind of prepare you for the weeks to come? Obviously you have the Memorial and obviously U.S. Open which is a tough test?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, we got, Memorial and U.S. Open are basically two U.S. Opens in a row -- this included. I'm playing good golf right now. I'm playing -- I had a tough stretch there in the Florida swing, and now I feel like I'm back playing the way I should play.

Q. Lost one of our, one of your own yesterday in Grayson Murray. Just want to get your reaction to it a little bit.

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I was thinking about him all day today. I didn't know him very well, I just knew him from playing golf and being out with him. He was always really, really nice to me. I always enjoyed playing with him. I played a practice round with him at Quail Hollow a few weeks ago. I really was heart broken by this. I walked into the locker room today and the first thing I thought of was that he was here two days ago. It's just horrible. You know, this life, life in general can be tough and I just hope that anyone else in his position can reach out and have the support system, and we just love Grayson and I'm thinking about him.

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