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May 26, 2024

Scottie Scheffler

Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Colonial CC

Quick Quotes

Q. I know this wasn't the way you hoped things would end today, but how would you assess your round today and the tournament overall?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: The tournament overall, I had that tough first round, but I battled back very nicely on Friday and Saturday. As far as today goes, I just wasn't able to put as much pressure as I would have hoped to put on Davis early in the round and he just kind of cruised all day. He played great golf. He made that bogey on 2 and answered it really quick with a birdie on 4 and didn't really give us much of an opening today, just continued to cruise and play great golf. So it was a well-earned win for him.

Q. You hit just a couple of fairways on that front nine. What seemed to be the issue with the driver today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Well, I mean, No. 1, I hit it right of my line, ran through the fairway. No. 3, I hit it right of my line, went through the fairway. No. 5, hit a good shot, just kind of overrode the wind. 6 was a fairway. 7 I just pulled it a little bit. 9 was a fairway. So I didn't feel like I really drove it that poorly. I think fairways were just pretty challenging to hit out there with how firm it was and windy. It's tough to keep the ball in play around here.

Q. How tough were the conditions out here, and we haven't gotten your thoughts on the changes to the golf course and your thoughts on the renovation?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: The golf course was playing really, really firm today. Like I said, like No. 1 the fairway is, it's not super wide, and with how windy it was Davis, you know, I felt like his ball was no more than 10 yards right of my ball and his ball's in the rough. I hit it right down my line and my ball's also in the rough maybe 8 yards left of where he hit it off the first hole. It's challenging. We'll see how it plays the next couple years as the golf course settles in. Obviously when the grass is new it's crazy firm. We'll see if they're able to keep it this firm for years to come. But overall I think the golf course just needs a little bit more time to settle in until we can really judge kind of how the renovations are. Overall I was pleased that they didn't remove too many of the trees and eliminate some of the character from the course. I think a lot of the character from the course is still intact. So, we'll see over the next couple years as the greens settle in. I think they're a bit moundy this week, that's pretty normal for new greens. Before they settle in the ball tends to do weird things and they can be a bit moundy, but overall I think for the first year it was a really good test.

Q. You were knocking on the door with that putter a few times today. How nice was it to finally sink that one on 17?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: That was good. I horseshoed the one there on 16. Hit a good putt there. I was almost kind of laughing, because it looked like it was going to stop short on the edge there on 17, but was fortunate to see that one go in. Overall proud of the fight this week. Obviously it was a pretty difficult day to come out to the golf course with news of Grayson yesterday and, you know, spent that moment of silence today really just thinking about him and praying for his family and his fiance', and obviously it was pretty difficult to come play golf. But like his parents said, he would have wanted the tournament to continue. I got to know him fairly well over the last few months, shared a couple meals with him, played a couple practice rounds. I was with him for a few hours, he was at our rental house last week. It's a tough day for all of us out here on TOUR and we're thinking about his family and we're praying hard for them, for sure.

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