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May 26, 2024

Nick Redd

Daniel Kelly

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Lincoln Financial Field

Maryland Terrapins

Media Conference

THE MODERATOR: We're joined by Maryland student-athletes Daniel Kelly and Nick Redd.

Q. Wanted to ask Nick, the way you guys were able to defend yesterday, especially as a short-stick unit, just how good do you guys feel about having been able to accomplish that, holding Virginia to six goals? And how do you kind of approach the challenge of dealing with Notre Dame and its many options on offense tomorrow?

NICK REDD: Yeah, I mean, it's obviously definitely a positive. But I think we've always done a great job of staying grounded at all times regardless of things going well. You can never be too high. You can never be too low.

So obviously yesterday was a positive. We won and everything. And credit to Virginia, they're a great team. They had a great season.

But at the end of the day, it kind of goes back to our coaching. Like, we always try to remain grounded. And we understand the animal and beast we're going up against in Notre Dame. They're a phenomenal team. They've had a great season. So we know we have to be dialed even more so than we were on Saturday. So, yeah, that's what I would say.

Q. Daniel and then Nick, when you're facing a team that seems unbeatable with only one loss this year, what's the approach to tomorrow's game?

DANIEL KELLY: That's a good question. I mean, they've had a great year. We know that. But for our group, we're focused on ourselves really, just putting our best foot forward on Monday.

We know who we're going against. We're going to watch a lot of film. We're going to be ready to go. But for us we have a group of 50 guys that believe in one another. We've had ups and downs, but we truly believe we're here for a reason and we can get this done.


Q. Nick, do you feel like getting here, there's nothing left to lose for you guys?

NICK REDD: I think that's a good question. I don't know if that's how would I describe it. We always talk about it, like, we're playing for more time. And seniors like me and Daniel, this is like our last chance to play together.

So it's more about that than looking at it, like, we have nothing to lose, like, we just go out there. Because at the end of the day for us, being here and being able to represent Maryland has been so special. And all we've ever wanted to do is to represent that to the highest standard.

So I wouldn't say that's the mentality at all. We're just trying to buy more time to be together. This is a special group, and we have so much love for each other.

Q. For either of you guys, it's not typical -- you probably once, maybe twice a year that you're playing for a second time in three days. The fact that you guys have been through this, in this environment before, even if it wasn't earlier this year or even last year, how much does that help in terms of getting ready for tomorrow?

DANIEL KELLY: I think it helps a lot. We were here earlier in our career. Last year we fell short, but we have the experience. We know what it takes to win in May. We know what it takes to win a national championship. So I think it helps a lot. But right now we're just focused on our preparation and putting our best foot forward on Monday.

NICK REDD: I mean, yeah, I think we were fortunate enough to be in those situations in the first couple of years in Maryland, and I think those older guys, alumni, kind of laid the groundwork for what we can do during this weekend and how we should go about our business and stuff like that. So having those guys to fall back on and kind of look at what they did is really important.

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