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May 25, 2024

Elena Rybakina

Paris, France

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Elena, welcome back to Paris. Can you just talk about your preparation coming into this tournament and then just how you're feeling out there on the clay.

ELENA RYBAKINA: Feeling much better. Was pity of course not to play in Rome. But, yeah, looking forward to start and hopefully it's gonna be good result. It was pity from last year to withdraw, but yeah.


Q. Wondered how you were feeling. Your last match was in Madrid. What have you done the last few days?

ELENA RYBAKINA: We've been practicing. Nothing new, guys. So what to tell you more?

Q. Can you speak about your first round against Greet Minnen. What do you know about her and what do you see about that matchup?

ELENA RYBAKINA: We played a long time ago against each other, and, I mean, I feel pretty confident. I think it's gonna be a great match. And I always trying to play match at a time, so yeah, looking forward to it.

Q. What do you know about her game? What can you tell me?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, she's playing a lot of slices. Plays a lot of slices and she has good serve also. Yeah.

Q. I want to ask you who is the more difficult opponent for you: Iga Swiatek or maybe Aryna Sabalenka?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, I would say Aryna. We play a lot of tough matches, and she's very aggressive. She has good power. And with Iga I feel like I have more dominant in the, just, game by my power over Iga. With Aryna, it's tougher.

Q. A couple disappointments this year for you where you weren't able to defend titles because of illness. I know in Indian Wells it took a little while for you to come back. Was it easier this time? Have you been practicing and progressing and feeling healthy for a while now?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Of course now I'm feeling much better, and it's always pity to miss these big tournaments. But if the health issues are there, then you cannot do anything.

Q. How do you feel about your momentum overall when you have to skip these tournaments? So you haven't played again since Madrid. Do you still feel like you have rhythm? Do you still feel comfortable about your ability to hit the ground running in the first round?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Yeah, of course, I have played so many matches and I think I have everything to go far in these tournaments.

Q. He asked about Iga. You're 2-0 against her on clay, although she did retire from that one match. Does the fact you're able to compete so well against her on the clay surface give you confidence overall in your clay game?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Yeah, of course, it gives me a lot of confidence. As I always say, I think I improve every year, every tournament. Of course these wins against Iga, it gives you confidence.

Q. You said you improved a lot on the clay also. What has been the biggest improvement in your game on clay?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Just I think movement, of course, and just overall the matches I played and of course strategy and everything.

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