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May 25, 2024

Paula Badosa

Paris, France

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Paula, can you tell us a bit how your preparations have been coming into Roland Garros this year.

PAULA BADOSA: Well, first of all, I'm very happy to be back here, especially after last year that I wasn't able to play.

So I'm really looking forward to start here the tournament. I'm feeling good. I think I played a few good matches in Rome, and really looking forward to start Tuesday.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. We spoke to Katie yesterday. She said you two are quite good friends. You speak quite a lot. Can you tell us the genesis of your relationship and have you spoken about various injury situations?

PAULA BADOSA: Yeah, I mean, when I was injured, she was checking on me. Of course I think a long time ago she had a similar injury.

So we are good friends. She's a nice person. Really happy how she started the year. I think she's playing very well. She's a dangerous player. Really aggressive. So it's going to be a tough match.

Yeah, we have a good relationship, and I hope Tuesday we can both bring the best out of it, and we have a good battle there.

Q. Congratulations to your comeback with Stefanos.


Q. He wrote a lot about it yesterday. Can you tell us a little bit about it?

PAULA BADOSA: Well, he already said everything. It's pretty clear. The relationship is working very well now. He already explained. I have nothing else to say.

I mean, it's already our private life. I think one of the things that I didn't like or we didn't like is that it was very public, so now we want to keep things a little bit more on our own. I still understand that it's not going to be easy because we are two public people, public person, and people will ask, but we want to keep it more for ourselves because it's never easy to combine our careers to that.

Let's just try to keep it simple for both of us, because I think it helps and it's healthier.

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