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May 25, 2024

Richard Green

Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA

Quick Quotes

Harbor Shores

Q. Richard Green is with us at the 84th KitchenAid Senior PGA Championship. Richard, another solid round. What's your approach heading into Sunday's finale?

RICHARD GREEN: Much the same really. You know, just hope to get out there and execute the shots required on this golf course. You know, it's very challenging and some of the tee shots are very challenging to get in play. I've just got to work a little bit harder on my belief in myself and stand over these shots and execute them.

That's the only way to get round this golf course. Just got to hit golf shots. You know, we're at a major championship and it's fun and it's daunting at the same time.

Q. You hit it a long ways. I'm sure you make your share of eagles. I don't know if you make two in a round. Just take us through those.

RICHARD GREEN: Yeah, that was fun today. Amazing on -- hit a great drive again down 5 and left myself a 3-wood into the green. Had about 265 yards to the pin and the shot -- I took the shot on and got it onto the front of the green.

Obviously I had a really challenging putt up over onto a shelf and then back down around to the hole. My last words to myself before I took the putter back was, just send it. And I did, and obviously hit a great putt. Just tracked all the way. Bit of good fortune.

Q. How long do you think that was?

RICHARD GREEN: Would've been 80 maybe. 80 feet, 70 foot, something like that.

Q. Wow. That's a bonus.

RICHARD GREEN: Yeah, was a big putt.

The one on 9, again, good drive, 3-wood down there to set up a pitch shot to the green. And then obviously worked out the chip shot up and over the mound on the right and landed it just spot on and just rolled and tracked to the hole.

I'm six feet out and thinking, this is going to be all right. In it goes. So, yeah, pretty cool.

Q. How far was that chip, you think?

RICHARD GREEN: Would've been, yeah, 30 -- 30, 35 yards, something like that.

Q. So 80 feet and 35 yards. You're conjuring up Jack Nicklaus, asking how do you make these...

RICHARD GREEN: Well, he seems to be able to knock them in. I don't know if you remember that YouTube footage of him knocking that one in on 10. I'm a believer on his golf courses. You got a shot. He leaves you with a shot. You just got to execute it.

That's the challenging part about this course.

Q. Are you happy about the way you came back today? And with the weather, wind being a little more, and how much more difficult was it?

RICHARD GREEN: Yeah, definitely than day one it was much more difficult. Yesterday after the delay to go back out and play in windy conditions and probably a little bit of bad light, and then today much cooler and a little bit breezier from a different direction, which made some holes play difficult for me.

Hole 7 played really difficult for me off the tee, and obviously 18 as well played very difficult as well.

So I'm hoping for a slightly different wind direction tomorrow. We'll see, though.

Q. You talk about those fun shots that you make. Is that sort of like a way you keep good momentum going?

RICHARD GREEN: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Those two eagles, you know, they saved my round today big time. I dropped a couple shots, and to get myself back under par and through nine holes was really nice.

When things go right like that you feel like you're in for a good week. I was very pleased.

Q. And anything in particular going through your head for tomorrow?

RICHARD GREEN: No, not really. Just much the same. I'll go out and do a little bit of practice on some things that I feel I need to work on for tomorrow and take on the challenge again tomorrow.

Q. You've had some good finishes on this tour. You feel pretty ready to win out here?

RICHARD GREEN: Yeah, absolutely. I would love to. Feel like it's more of a battle between myself and that challenge, if you know what I mean. It's a matter of me, like I said earlier, working on my belief in my ability to hit the golf ball and putt well.

You know, I work so hard on my game in the background and it feels like it would be nice to be my time. I know Ernie has played really today. There is a bunch guys up there that are highly competitive. It's just a matter of getting out there tomorrow and seeing how the round progresses and how the scoring progresses, and hopefully I get off to a good start and set the round in motion.

Q. Chalmers is up there.


Q. You guys go back a ways?

RICHARD GREEN: Yeah, long ways, absolutely. Grown up playing golf on the TOUR, and a bit of amateur golf as well. It's nice to see him playing well, another Aussie. We've had some competitive times over the years as well. So, yeah, good to see.

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